Haunted Mansion Holiday Media Opening
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Melissa Joan Hart Interview
Melissa Joan Hart and the kids from Planet Hope share their excitement over Haunted
Mansion Holiday.
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Video: Melissa Joan Hart Interview (1 minute, 22
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Actress Melissa Joan Hart was at the event with children from Planet Hope. We had the opportunity to interview her as well. Her interview is transcribed below and is also available on video:
LaughingPlace.com: What did you think?
Melissa Joan Hart: Thought it was wonderful. I thought it was a great ride. I got a cool jacket. (shows off the jacket) It’s a little hot right now. It’s summer in California. Well I guess it’s nice, it's not summer anymore. It’s perfect. It was the perfect ride. You combine Haunted Mansion with a great movie about Halloween and Christmas and what better way to get you through the whole season. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah - the whole thing, it all flows into the same sort of…you want to decorate the house, you get dressed up, you’re going to parties, and it is just three months of parties, dressing up, and decorating your house. So it works together, I think.
LP: Did the kids like it?
MJH: (to the children) Did you like it?
Kids: Yeah!!!
LP: Can you tell me about Planet Hope?
MJH: They have a bunch of different things that they do. They have a camp where the kids will go with their mother - homeless kids will go. And they get to do fun camp activities while the mothers do other things like self-esteem stuff and kind of work on bettering their future. And they do a bunch of things like they have big parties where everyone will bring a gift and we’ll wrap the gifts. And then go around on Christmas day to the sleeping bags on the street. They just really help homeless children.
Jack Skellington and Melissa Joan Hart
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