Meet Lucky the Dinosaur, - Disney World, Disneyland and More

Meet Lucky the Dinosaur
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by Rebekah and Doobie Moseley
August 29, 2003
Walt Disney Imagineer's latest creation, Lucky the Dinosaur - the first free-standing, walking Audio-Animatronic - is introduced at the Natural History Museum of Orange County.

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The front of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County was the setting
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(1024 X 768, 197,061 bytes)

There are 13 video clips available of the event. Two of them - the speeches - are available in RealVideo format in low and high bandwidth versions. The remaining 11, all of Lucky, are available in MPEG format only. All videos are linked here and at the relavant parts of the article.

  • Clip 1: Dr. John Harris (RealVideo: 1 minute, 49 seconds)
    Low Bandwidth (160 X 120) • High Bandwidth (352 X 240)
  • Clip 2: Bruce Vaughn (Real Video: 3 minutes, 46 seconds)
    Low Bandwidth (160 X 120) • High Bandwidth (352 X 240)
  • Clip 3: Lucky comes out and meets a guest (MPEG: 2 minutes, 17 seconds)
    MPG: 9.1 Megs (352 X 240)
  • Clip 4: Lucky spots a pterodactyl (MPEG: 55 seconds)
    MPG: 9.1 Megs (352 X 240)
  • Clip 5: Lucky in mouse ears (MPEG: 51 seconds)
    MPG: 9.1 Megs (352 X 240)
  • Clip 6: Lucky wants a balloon (MPEG: 1 minute, 11 seconds)
    MPG: 11.7 Megs (352 X 240)
  • Clip 7: Lucky signs an autograph (MPEG: 38 seconds)
    MPG: 6.3 Megs (352 X 240)
  • Clip 8: The gift exchange (MPEG: 58 seconds)
    MPG: 9.6 Megs (352 X 240)
  • Clip 9: Lucky meet and greet (MPEG: 17 seconds)
    MPG: 2.8 Megs (352 X 240)
  • Clip 10: Lucky and a timid child (MPEG: 19 seconds)
    MPG: 3.1 Megs (352 X 240)
  • Clip 11: Lucky's tail movement (MPEG: 14 seconds)
    MPG: 2.4 Megs (352 X 240)
  • Clip 12: Lucky's face close up (MPEG: 11 seconds)
    MPG: 1.9 Megs (352 X 240)
  • Clip 13: Lucky goes bye-bye (MPEG: 52 seconds)
    MPG: 8.5 Megs (352 X 240)

The Event
On the morning of August 28th, 19 children from Sepulveda Middle School in North Hills, media, museum and Disney employees shared in a historic moment as Lucky the dinosaur walked out from his brightly colored tent beneath the Natural History Museum's bronze dinosaurs. I can only imagine what the passing vehicles and pedestrians must have thought as the 9 foot tall dinosaur stood before the cameras and awe struck children.

The event began with Dr. John Harris, Chief Curator for the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.

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The Chief Curator of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Dr. John Harris
Click here for a much larger version of this picture
(1024 X 757, 183,573 bytes)
Video: Dr. John Harris (RealVideo: 1 minute, 49 seconds)
Low Bandwidth (160 X 120) • High Bandwidth (352 X 240)

Dr Harriss: Good morning everybody. Welcome to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County where we celebrate the milestones of mankind. This year we also celebrate 90 years of scientific wonder and discovery which is showcased here in Southern California right here at this magnificent museum. We're very proud of our mission and the role that we play in helping our community and the world understand more about the history of mankind, the story of our planet and about the lives of the fascinating creatures that lived or used to live on its continents and oceans. So today as home to the largest collection of dinosaur fossils west of the Rocky Mountains we're thrilled to help introduce the latest dinosaurian discovery. This significant find is unlike any other previous discovery. It was was unearthed in Glendale, California by a band of inquisitive and innovative men and women who were like most of us were fascinated by the thought of interacting with these incredible creatures that roamed our planet millions of years ago. So now to tell you more about this wonderful discovery it is my very great pleasure to welcome the vice president of research and development at Walt Disney Imagineering, Bruce Vaughn.