World of Color Dessert Party a Tasty Way to “Celebrate”
Since mid-March, Disney California Adventure has been offering a special World of Color Dessert Party. Guests who purchase the dessert party are offered reserved table seating facing Paradise Bay with plated desserts and a choice of beverages.

The World of Color Dessert Party is offered in Disney California Adventure.

Dessert Party guests are seated in prime viewing areas facing Paradise Bay.

Once seated, Dessert Party guests are served tableside.
There are a variety of seating choices, all affording a clear view of World of Color—Celebrate! Ticketed guests arrive early and make their way to a specially marked waiting area before the show begins. Once seated, guests are served tableside. A breadbasket is offered with a plate of cheeses, fruit and desserts. The selection consists of:
- Cheese (Brie, Mild Cheddar and Manchego);
- Grapes;
- Mini Chocolate Mocha Bundt Cake;
- Coconut Macaroon (Mickey shaped);
- Sort bread Cookie filled with Dulce de Leche;
- Min French Macaroon;
- Waffle Bowl with Lime Yogurt Mousse and Berries.
Guests may enjoy champagne in a flute, or a signature blue cocktail. Soft drinks and sparkling cider are also available. Hot beverages include coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.

On with the show!
The cost is $79 per person, tax and gratuity included. Disney recommends reservations for the Dessert Party. These can be made at or by calling 714-781-DINE.