Toon Talk: The Lion King Diamond Edition Blu-Ray - Oct 5, 2011 - Disney World, Disneyland and More

Toon Talk: The Lion King Diamond Edition Blu-Ray
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by Kirby Holt (archives)
October 5, 2011
On the heels of the successful re-release of The Lion King in theaters in 3D, Kirby reviews the new Diamond Edition Blu-Ray and DVD release of the film.
Toon Talk: Disney Film and DVD Reviews
by Kirby C. Holt

The Lion King
Diamond Edition

Disney Blu-Ray and DVD
MPAA Rating: G

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On the heels of its record-making 3D theatrical re-release (which cemented its box office standing as the most successful traditional animated movie of all time), The Lion King roars back on to home video this week with its high definition debut on Disney Blu-ray. The Academy Award-winning King, along with another Disney �jewel-in-the-crown� Beauty and the Beast, also makes its 3D Blu-ray bow this week. And joining them for the first time on DVD shelves is the Disney Blu-ray and DVD premieres of Disney Nature�s latest �true life adventure� documentary African Cats. Talk about �lions and cheetahs and beasts, oh my!�

With its stunning colors and breathtaking vistas, Lion King looks even more regal than ever before. When the sun rises over the savannah to the strains of Lebo M�s �Circle of Life� chant, you�ll gasp at the beauty and wonder of it all and will get quickly and easily swept up in the film�s awe-inspiring visuals all over again, as if for the first time.

Audio-wise, you�ll hear every �grunt, roar and snort� crisply and clearly. And, if you�re home entertainment system is equipped with surround sound, you�ll swear that you�re in Africa, surrounded by chirping crickets or cackling hyenas.

In addition to the theatrical version of The Lion King (minus the �Morning Report� song that was inserted for the film�s last DVD outing, which is included as a stand-alone bonus feature), viewers have three viewing options on the Blu-ray. First is Disney�s �Second Screen,� where you can sync up your laptop or Ipad with the film and get exclusive bonus content via the internet. Also available is a �sing along� mode (with onscreen lyrics for those who don�t know �Hakuna Matata� by heart by now) and the original DVD audio commentary (provided by King co-directors Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff and producer Don Hahn).

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