Paris' Walt Disney Studios Park - Part 3, - Disney World, Disneyland and More

Paris' Walt Disney Studios Park - Part 3
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The huge entrance canopy to the Tour.
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Studio Tram Tour featuring Catastrophe Canyon Presented by Orange
Unfortunately, the other attractions in the Production Courtyard do not reach the high production values of CineMagique.

The Tram Tour features those now-infamous red trams from the Disney MGM Studios. However, the queue area is bland and only features posters from such recent blockbusters as Pearl Harbor and 102 Dalmatians. No props can be found here and despite the attraction having Fastpass, the wait could seem a long time.

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The trams await unsuspecting guests.
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The tour departs for Catastrophe Canyon, but along the way we are shown the “boneyard” where props from the upcoming Dinotopia series and Touchstone’s summer tentpole movie, Reign of Fire currently reside. Each section of the tram features a small screen, however the timing and synchrony was significantly off on the first preview day. The screens would flicker to life once the object had passed by our tram. Jeremy Irons acts as the English-speaking guide, but the script is poor (especially the humour) and his performance is adequate at best.

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Some of the props from Dinotopia T.V. series littering the Boneyard.
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The huge set piece for Dinotopia.
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