A Cultural Festival and the Eldest T Sister Take Center Stage in This Week's "Primos" on Disney Channel
This week’s Primos has yet another moment where Tater faces her cultural identity, before we realize how much the eldest T sister does for her siblings.
Summer of La Cultura
The Ramirez-Humphrey-Perez family is taking part in the Latin cultural day festival with everyone attending, save for Bibi who is staying at home. As part of the fun, Tater has opted to wear a traditional Mexican-American cultural outfit. She does have great pride in her roots, though she doesn’t speak Spanish or know how to roll her “r"s, or properly accent her name when writing it down. But, it’s in her blood right?! Whatever she does at the festival she will be good at.
And, since this episode is about the whole family, that means we get to see…the whole family! First off, The T Sisters are participating in some traditional salsa dancing, and Tater tries to join but apparently cannot dance for her life and falls off of the stage. The next stop brings her to the Nacho brothers, who teach her to play with a traditional bolero - you know, that little wooden ball and basket on a stick. While the boys are basically professionals with the toy, Tater seems to be having issues.
Now, it’s on to Buela’s salsa station - where she knows she can prove that she can handle her grandmother’s spicy salsa. However, she’s already shoveled spoonfuls of her grandmother’s hottest salsa into her mouth before Buela tells her that she has been serving Tater mild salsa most of her life. Not only can Tater not handle the heat, but Gordita can, as she has trained herself to handle spice registering at millions of Scovilles in strength.
Next, she joins in making tortillas and finds shes at least reasonably good at doing it, but gets so excited that she makes a slight mistake and gets frazzled…leading to a tortilla overload that gets the entire family disqualified. Of course, for yet another time in this series, Tater is disheartened that she doesn’t seem to have as strong of a connection to her cultural roots, especially when compared to the rest of her primos.
Later, Tater finds Lita and the rest of that arm of the family (Scooter and Lucita) who see that she is feeling some kind of way about this whole thing when Lita tells Tater that they too are mixed (Mexican-American/Dominican-American) and they feel disconnected from their Dominican roots. Some of the Primos also jump in and add their own, and as Tater starts to feel better, she rejoins the gang to start making crafty flags and banners. Something that she apparently is quite good at.
Oh, and that giant tortilla mess has won a prize because they have accidentally created an image of Pedro Infante, though Tater doesn't know who he is.
Summer of Santa Tabi
Bibi is making everyone breakfast when two of the T sisters (Tere and Toñita) arrive and are confused because nothing that they’re used to happening at the house each morning has happened. Namely, (and this is referenced on average every 30 seconds of the episode) the lack of a toilet seat warmer. And what is this sludge for breakfast, where are their Acai bowls for them. Nobody else seems to know what or why they’re used to such treatment in this particular home before we realize their oldest sister, Tabi, has been doing this for them before they wake up every morning.
Today is different because Tabi broke her ankle while trying to carry Toñita up the stairs.
While Tater is talking with Tabi about this process every morning - something that only came to light because Tater woke her up after she slept past her alarm - Tere and Toñita are outside in the hallway and hear the whole thing. Now, and with the help of Tater, they want to give something back to Tabi in some way or another.
Tater, as an older sister herself, gives them numerous suggestions for gifts. One of these suggestions is a mug that says that she is their #1 sister. While Tabi immediately panics thinking she missed Sister’s Day, the other two tell her it was simply to show their thanks. This is why they are horrified when Tabi ends up using the special mug as a toothbrush holder.
The sisters next decide to hire Bibi to make a painting of Tabi, which she agrees to. However, when it is revealed the younger T Sisters are once again disappointed to see that it is Tabi helping them like a saint. But why? Well, that’s what Tabi suggested. Now, Tere and Toñita realize that it’s time to stop listening to Tater’s advice and need to find someone as selfless and caring as Tabi is and instead ask Bibi for advice. They also don’t like that idea and get some help from Big Nacho and ultimately sit down with Tabi saying that they appreciate all that she has done for them, but they do not want her to constantly put herself in stressful situations for them.
Elsewhere in the house, Tater suggests similar appreciation from Nellie and Baby Bud, but they resort to having her also make the toilet seat warm in the morning and all the other tasks that Tabi did as that kind of similar appreciation must be earned for the similar behavior.