"Hamster & Gretel" Get Ready for Big Villain with More Training and Returning Characters in Latest Episode on Disney Channel

The big villain will get here eventually, right?

We’re getting closer to the arrival of Mordros the Annihilator, and that means more training and even the return of new characters from earlier in the season on this week’s Hamster & Gretel.

No Powers Day

Kevin insists that Hamster and Gretel stop getting distracted with video games and resume training for their upcoming battle with Mordros the Annihilator. As such, he has arranged a special day of training for Gretel where she cannot use her superpowers, since anything could happen where she might need to rely solely on her human strengths and even weaknesses.

In the park, he is teaching her to look for clues and examine her surroundings, and even points to a lone chipmunk who is protecting its food from a badger, and uses quick wit to use a nearby boulder to jump and rebound through the wide legs of the intimidating and larger creature and make a getaway.

As they are walking through the woods, Kevin leaves Gretel’s side briefly and finds himself kidnapped by Mountain Men who have mistakenly taken Kevin for a Hill Person who is trespassing on their land.

Gretel realizes that Kevin is no longer nearby and thinks his absence is all part of a plan to get her to solve a problem without using her power and starts putting her skills to the test.

Elsewhere, Hamster is participating in a meet and greet with small pre-school children who were expecting to see Hamster AND Gretel and are quite disappointed when only Hamster arrives. Nothing is worse than a mob of disappointed and crying children and the teachers know this, taking shelter. Hamster quickly tries to salvage the situation, and quickly discovers while hiding out with the class bunny that kids love to pet things, and he (as a hamster) is a perfect thing for a kid to pet. Thus, calming them down. There you go, that’s today’s B story.

Back on the mountain, Gretel thinks all of the Mountain Men are paid actors that Kevin has arranged, with their little village being an amazing piece of production design. Alas, it’s all real she just hasn’t realized this yet. She evades the Mountain Men using camouflage and skills, eventually getting to where Kevin is locked up while they are taking a moment to enjoy their lunch. Despite Kevin’s persistence in explaining that this whole thing is not staged, Gretel still believes it’s all a production. Kevin pleads with her to use her powers so he can escape his cage and they can get out of there, but she is still assessing the room for clues that will help free him - as no powers is part of the plan, right?

The Mountain Men quickly discover their attempted escape and learn that the two are siblings, therefore Gretel is a Hill Person too. This means that they will be quickly punished and forced to eat berries in the pit of despair. Having noticed a sign nearby, Gretel challenges the Mountain Men to “trial by combat" and faces the biggest, strongest mountain man…much like the squirrel and the badger from earlier. And yes, she does that exact same thing, and gets the upper hand on the Mountain Man and pushes him toward the pit.

Since she won, the two are set free and Gretel, though she didn’t realize it was real, has saved the day without using her powers.

Everybody Loves Main Computer

The crew are coming back home and hear a rustling outside near the trash cans. There, they discover Main Computer hiding out. Remember Main Computer? Earlier in the season he left Kevin in the Space Station with astronauts and made a quick getaway with the Shuttle, stranding them all there while they awaited the imminent approach of a meteor…and their doom.

Why is he here? If you recall (and if you don’t we get a flashback), at the end of that episode we got a bit of a cliffhanger as we see Main Computer attempting to live off grid in a small western town. Now, we’re caught up as we see his struggle with his guilt as he attempts to live out a new life and away from the Space Agents whom he fears will deactivate him.

Kevin, knowing Main Computer is looking for forgiveness, allows “MC" to stay with the family under the guise of being a foreign exchange student from Canada. Throughout a following musical montage, we discover that the two develop a true bond - even if it is based on MC serving Kevin and doing chores, errands, etc. When he is called out by Hamster and Gretel, Kevin defends that they are real friends and even goes with MC as he heads to the grocery store for more mangos for Kevin’s smoothies.

It’s at the Grocery Store where we discover that the Space team, led by Commander Huxley, has organized a sting operation to get MC back, thus giving us a chase sequence out of the grocery store.

In a fun series of events for movie fans, Kevin and MC end up on a single bike in a parody of a certain alien-based film that also involves a chase scene on bikes that inevitably fly. Will the same happen here? Kind of. Up ahead the bridge is out and MC uses his computer power to pedal the bike even faster in the hopes of taking off across the unfinished bridge. MC makes it, but Kevin is precariously perched on the edge hanging on for dear life. Realizing the space agent team is nearing them, MC once again turns and runs away, leaving Kevin dangling. But, as Kevin explained, their bond is genuine and MC comes back to save Kevin. Kevin is impressed by his extendable arms and strength - but MC clarifies he does not have those and his arms snap pulling the pair off the bridge in a free fall.

Fortunately, right on time, Gretel (who Kevin called earlier during the chase) finally shows up and saves them all, but at the base of the canyon that the bridge went over Huxley and the team are waiting to collect MC.

Let it be known though that Huxley has no intent on shutting down MC. He is going to be installed in the new space station and he has a lot of data about that meteor - where it originated from, who or what is controlling it, etc. - that they need to collect.

Either way, it looks like serious trouble is only a few weeks away, and that trouble is Mordros the Annihilator.

Tony Betti
Originally from California where he studied a dying artform (hand-drawn animation), Tony has spent most of his adult life in the theme parks of Orlando. When he’s not writing for LP, he’s usually watching and studying something animated or arguing about “the good ole’ days” at the parks.