Mouse Madness 11: Opening Round - Boo vs. Piper
Welcome to the opening round of our 11th annual Mouse Madness tournament! This year, we are attempting to crown the cutest Disney character. We have created a bracket of 16 of the most adorable Disney characters in four different regions and now, one by one, we will narrow them down until we determine who is the cutest.
Before we get into our next matchup, let’s take a look at the last result. We have an upset! The top seed in the Disney Animation region has been taken out as Dumbo defeated Stitch by just over 1% of the vote! It’s a surprising result as Stitch seems to have more fans than any other character in this tournament, but that’s why we call is Mouse Madness!
For our next matchup, we head over to the Pixar region. Our top seed, Boo figures to be the favorite to reach the final four here. One of the most meme’d characters in this bracket, Boo gives us a wide range of cuteness throughout Monsters Inc. Whether she’s scared, screaming or sleeping, your heart just melts for Boo.
Pixar shorts may have given us a sleeper here though as Piper is certainly one of the cutest animals Pixar has ever put on screen. The hungry little bird may not have said much but they scurried right into our hearts while learning out to fend for themselves. Will that be enough to pull the upset?
Vote in the poll below for which character you think should move on to the next round.
Be sure to come back tomorrow as we reveal the winner of today’s poll and continue onward through our bracket to crown the cutest Disney character!