Recap: "Doctor Odyssey" Returns With Sharks in Tow

Y'all hungry? I could go for a few limbs.

Remember when we ended the last episode of Doctor Odyssey (mind you, months ago) with Avery dealing with a pregnancy predicament? She was pregnant and the whole “love triangle" thing was top of mind? Well, there is no time to even consider the cliff hanger, ‘cause there be sharks in these here waters.

Avery does shut Max up rather quickly, asking for space during the ordeal. Yet, when a shark attack immediately follows, it’s kind of hard to use the space for anything other than medical drama. Spencer, the ship’s first officer, is attacked by a shark while surfing with Tristan, which brings up more questions about the crew’s near constant free time on the same private beach. What are their schedules? Where is this beach? Especially since Spencer is brought back to the ship’s infirmary instead of, I dunno, LAND?!

Spencer is rushed back to the ship and is immediately thrown into painful times on the operating table, as Max works to remove debris from the bite. Almost every character during the episode discusses how sharks are the “petri dish" of the ocean, so on top of the physical bites, anyone affected has to worry about possible infections. How fun!

Captain Massey works to floor it to their next port, but on their way, a rescue mission takes precedence. The Flicka ends up being a sunken charter ship who have been involved with their own shark attack, because of course. The ship’s captain Brooke and first mate are on board as well, with another victim requiring an arm and leg amputation.

Of course, ships at sea aren’t really prime amputation locations, so The Odyssey’s medical staff and Brooke to to come up with a plan to amputate in the safest possible way, while also figuring out how to keep Spencer’s health stable.

Also unstable is the relationship between Avery and Max, as Max is trying to dismay Brooke from flirting. However, Avery walks in to see a picture that is a lot more boogie wonderland than barren prairie. A key reminder in all of this: they are dealing with the after effects of multiple shark attacks and are all adults.

As if sharks aren’t enough, a change in path needed to get to port includes a huge pod of orcas who are currently hunting the sharks. If it isn’t one thing, am I right? [lights a cigarette and leans out the window] Captain Massey isn’t a fan of sailing through orcas, as the last time it occurred, he lost his vessel. Again, multiple people are limbless in the infirmary and now we have to deal with Shamu?! On top of this, now a shark has plowed into the ship’s propeller. The engineering crew, led by Rosie, rushes to stop the generators from exploding, but just as the fire is put out, all the power goes out on the ship. What a treat!

Also, Rumer Willis is on board and is now seemingly dead. This marks the first Dancing with the Stars champion to die on Doctor Odyssey. Congrats?

Marshal Knight
Marshal Knight is a pop culture writer based in Orlando, FL. For some inexplicable reason, his most recent birthday party was themed to daytime television. He’d like to thank Sandra Oh.