Review: The Disney Trivia Challenge & Disney On Broadway
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Reviews of two of the newest offering from Disney Consumer Products. The Disney Trivia Challenge CD-ROM game and the Disney on Broadway CD. Disney Trivia Challenge CD-ROM
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(c) Disney
The Disney Trivia Challenge
I played The Disney Trivia Challenge CD-ROM game from Disney Interactive. This game lacks
the inventiveness and humor of "The D-Show", and resembles "The Wonderful
World of Disney Trivia Board Game". The game board is a stylization of The Walt
Disney Studios in Burbank and each player picks a Disney character to be their
representation. Each player must get 5 tokens in each category, which are shown by
different colors on the game board. The categories are Animation, Film, Song,
Personalities, and Mousellaneous. Each player gets to move to different colored squares
depending on the number on the spinner. If the player gets the question right they get a
colored token and get to go again. After 5 tokens of a color are gained, the player can
get a medallion of that color by going to a specific building on the Walt Disney Studios
and getting a question of that category right. After all five medallions are gained; the
player goes to the champion square in the middle of the game board and answers one final
question to win the game. There are some other details to the rules, such as wild card
tokens and vault squares, but that is the main objective of the game.
(c) Disney
This game does solve the "D"-Show buzzer problem, where people would buzz in before the question was read; by using a turn based game play. There are still different types of challenge questions added in to the mix as well. However, the game is still fun and tests your Disney knowledge on many different parts of Disneydom, even though the questions tend to lean towards Disney Films.
The game does have several problems. The rules are a bit complicated at times, but the narrator clues you in as the game progresses. The game allows you to choose different levels of difficulty for each player. Every person in my party chose hard. Even though we did get several difficult questions, we also got many easy questions such as “Who is the leader of the club that’s made for you and me”. The game also seems as if it was developed quickly. I got a question with the correct answer being displayed twice. That being said, there are several cute details in the animation of the virtual game board that you should keep an eye out for.
(c) Disney
I should note that we ran in to some technical difficulties with the game. We had some audio problems and the game even froze for a few seconds many times. I don’t think of the computers we used as lightweight machines, but I could not determine why these problems occurred. Even with these problems, we did have fun.
This game does have a lower price point than most other Disney Interactive titles. It costs less than most Disney DVDs and provides just as much entertainment. It is great for the next time you have your Disney friends come over. The long game play provides for a whole evening of fun.