LaughingPlace Radio - Disney World, Disneyland and More

LaughingPlace Radio

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LaughingPlace Radio is's all Disney Internet radio station. Our goal is to entertain you with great Disney music and specialty programming.

Don't forget - you can talk about LaughingPlace Radio with other listeners, give feedback, suggest songs or say whatever on our
LaughingPlace Radio Discussion Boards.

Programming Schedule
LaughingPlace Radio broadcasts 24 hours a day with songs from classic Disney animated features, television, theme parks around the world, as well as songs performed by Disney characters and talent and other Disney Records tunes.

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Listen to LaughingPlace Radio

Why does the "Listen" link above only take me to another page where I have to click again?
To keep LaughingPlace Radio legal, we have to actually host it on another website then launch the station from that website. That's why there are two clicks necessasry.

How fast of a connection to I need?
We broadcast a 32K stream. That means anyone with a good 56K or better connection should be able to listen to LaughingPlace Radio. However, if your connection is 56K, you may find your connection becomes unstable if you're browsing to graphic intensive websites while listening.

What software do I need to listen?
You'll need Windows Media Player to listen.

Can I send you songs from my collection?
Sorry, but no. To comply with Internet broadcasting rules, all songs we broadcast must come from our own music collection. However, if there's a song you'd like to hear and we don't have it, please feel free to tell us the album it's on, and we'll certainly consider getting it.

Do you post your playlist?
We are not allowed to post a list of upcoming songs. In the future, we may post a list of the previous day's playlist.

A song has repeated. Does that mean the loop is starting over?
No. Just like a real radio station, songs will repeat. But there is no song loop on LaughingPlace Radio. The station is programmed each day with changes made throughout the day.

I want to talk about LaughingPlace Radio with other listeners. How can I do that?
Use our Discussion Board. We have a section just for LaughingPlace Radio. Just click here.

Questions and Feedback
If you have any questions, comments, criticisms or suggestions, feel free to email us at You can also talk to us and other listeners about LaughingPlace Radio on our Discussion Boards..

We hope you enjoy LaughingPlace Radio!

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