In an interview with Total Film Magazine, Kevin Feige revealed that Marvel Studios is currently developing a Black Widow solo-film. The spy, played by Scarlett Johansson, was first seen in 2010’s Iron Man 2. She was also in Marvel’s The Avengers and plays a role in both Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron.
In the interview Kevin Feige said, “(Black) Widow’s part in that is very big. We learn more about her past and learn more about where she came from and how she became in that film. The notion of exploring that even further in her own film would be great, and we have some development work with that. When we meet the Avengers at the top of ‘Age of Ultron,’ it’s a very different landscape than we left them at the end of the first film. Partially, that’s because we love the rhythm that the comic books have developed — each of the characters appear in their runs, occasionally they get together for a big event or crossover series, they part again, and then they come back together again.”
It is unknown if the film is being developed for Marvel’s Phase Three, which takes place after Avengers: Age of Ultron or further down the road.