King of Kong Video-Gamers Billy Mitchell & Steve Wiebe Battle It Our Playing Fix-It Felix Tonight at 8p Eastern

King of Kong videogamers Billy Mitchell and Steve Wiebe will be battling it out playing Fix-It Felix Jr. from their respective homes (in Miami and Seattle). Follow the battle at or at 8p Eastern / 5p Pacific.


Twelve custom-built classic arcade-game consoles are traveling the country in celebration of Disney’s “Wreck-It Ralph,”—the hilarious game-hopping adventure is in theaters nationwide in 3D on November 2, 2012.

The Fix-It Felix Jr. gaming console measures 24”L x 62”W x 33”H. The console weighs in at 307 pounds and features a 19-inch color raster monitor. Challenge your friends to a high-score contest in two-player mode!