In advance of The Defenders coming to Netflix, Marvel is debuting a new series featuring the team of Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist. The new series is written by Eisner award-winning writer, Brian Michael Bendis (Civil War II, Jessica Jones, Invincible Iron Man) with artwork by New York Times best-selling artist, David Marquez (Civil War II, Invincible Iron Man).
The toughest hard-hitting heroes of the Marvel Universe stand together as a brand new team ready to take down one of the most dominating criminal empires ever to shadow over New York City. But in a city where leaders of violence and death are all vying for dominance, who is the one criminal despot powerful enough to challenge the saviors of Hell’s Kitchen?
“As opposed to other more global or galactic Super Hero groups, the Defenders are very much focused on the streets, on the neighborhoods, on the community,” says SVP, Executive Editor, Tom Brevoort. “Their battles are no less fiercely fought or consequential, but the arena is a very different one, and the stakes more personal. Brian will be building upon the relationships that he established years ago in New Avengers to create something unique and primary within the Marvel Universe.”
“[The Defenders] is a smorgasbord of everything I truly love about Marvel Comics,” continues Bendis. “And to keep the team of David [Marquez], Justin [Ponsor], and myself together for another creative challenge is so exciting! We’ve been planning this book for well over a year and we’re so excited to show you what we think the next phase of the gritty marvel streets will have to offer.”
Some of the darkest days await Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist, but The Defenders are ready to plant their feet, and fight back-to-back against one of the most epic wars the streets of NYC have ever encountered and stand resolute against an attack so personal that it will challenge our heroes at their very core and everyone they have ever cared about.
This June, the five boroughs have a new front line of defense.