In Marvel’s upcoming new comic series "Exceptional X-Men,” a group of young mutants will luckily be trained by two of the greatest teachers in X-Men history: Kitty Pryde and Emma Frost. Today, fans can learn more about the series and see the reveal of the first issue cover.
- Written by acclaimed author Eve L. Ewing and drawn by superstar Marvel Stormbreaker artist Carmen Carnero, "Exceptional X-Men” will be the final flagship X-Title to launch in the upcoming From the Ashes era.
- The series will introduce three all-new mutants who turn to Kitty and Emma for help with their emerging gifts:
- The metallic and whip-wielding Bronze
- The emotion-stirring Axo
- The stealth-skilled fighter Melee
- Under Kitty and Emma’s tutelage, they’ll learn not just how to survive but to thrive. But Kitty and Emma haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, and they’ll also have lessons to teach each other, as they take up the call once more—for the children.
- "Exceptional X-Men” begins with Kitty trying to get as far away from all things X as she possibly can. After the actions she took during “Fall of X,” Kitty craves normalcy and takes a job as a regular-degular bartender. She’s definitely NOT getting ready to head up an all-new team of wayward young mutants while avoiding the watchful gaze of Emma Frost. Nothing but work, dating and staving off depression. That’s it. Let’s see how long it lasts.
- See Emma, Kitty, and the three new mutants they take under their wing in the debut issue’s cover and pick up "Exceptional X-Men #1″ when it arrives in September.
- Check out Carnero’s cover below:
What they’re saying:
- Writer Eve L. Ewing: "Longtime fans of Kitty Pryde can count on the kinds of adventures you expect from her as a classic favorite, while I hope new and old readers alike will get to love this all-new team of young mutants. Kitty, the one-time kid sister figure of the X-Men, has to reckon with her own memories—good and bad—of being a child of Xavier as she navigates a role as leader and mentor for a new generation of mutants who are trying to make their way in a time of crisis."
- Artist Carmen Carnero: "The story Eve brought up really hooked me from the beginning. I found it very interesting to see Kitty away from the X-Men and trying to live a normal life in Chicago, but finding herself with young mutants who have to deal with this post-Krakoa world and Emma's plans."