Music of Michael Giacchino Celebrated In Vinyl Records Coming to Disney Music Emporium

Three vinyl sets celebrating the scores of Michael Giachhino and several of the titles from Pixar Animation Studios that he worked on are on their way to Disney Music Emporium.

What’s Happening:

  • Some very special vinyl records of the soundtracks of several films from Pixar Animation Studios are on their way to Disney Music Emporium from Mondo Music.

  • This week, Mondo Music is restocking the vinyl soundtracks to three films from Pixar Animation Studios – Up, Ratatouille, and Coco – each featuring the essential scores of composer Michael Giacchino and original artwork by artist Nicole Gustafsson.
  • Each edition comes complete with liner notes by Drew Taylor (UP, COCO) and Brian Satterwhite (RATATOUILLE), all three double LPs will be available in various colorways – with Up being a color splattered press, Coco on pink vinyl, and Ratatouille on green vinyl.
  • The restocked LPs will be available at Disney Music Emporium on Monday, June 24th for Disney Music Emporium Day, and later in the week (in a different exclusive colorway) at Mondo Shop.
  • Disney Music Emporium (DME) is an online store and virtual experience that sells collectible and limited edition products. DME offers a variety of items, including soundtracks from Disney films and TV shows on CD and vinyl, as well as other unique products that highlight 100 years of Disney music history, with the ability to listen to and learn about music from classic Disney films, including those from Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm and more.

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Tony Betti
Originally from California where he studied a dying artform (hand-drawn animation), Tony has spent most of his adult life in the theme parks of Orlando. When he’s not writing for LP, he’s usually watching and studying something animated or arguing about “the good ole’ days” at the parks.