Marvel Contest of Champions Introduces Patriot and The Leader

Marvel has introduced Patriot and The Leader to join Marvel Contest of Champions.

What's Happening:

  • Kabam introduced the heroic Patriot and supervillain The Leader as the newest Champions to join its popular mobile fighter Marvel Contest of Champions.
  • Patriot will arrive on July 18th and The Leader on August 1st.
  • Now you can check out Patriot and The Leader’s Deep Dive content on the official Marvel Contest of Champions YouTube channel.
  • There are over 250 Champions in the Contest; players can also add other classic Marvel heroes like Captain America, Chee’ilth, Hulk, and more.

What The Contest Has in Store This Month:

  • The Battlerealm’s premier prison facility, known as THE RAFT, goes into lockdown as unusually high Gamma Radiation is detected.
  • The Summoner arrives to help only to be met by Elijah Bradley aka PATRIOT, who is having a boat-load of troubles of his own! Friends and foes alike are being mentally manipulated by the gamma-enhanced mind of THE LEADER!
  • Hopefully the arrival of Chee’ilth will help keep the inhabitants of this cage from going green with Gamma. But how long will it be until this whole prison breaks?!

Character Bios:

  • Eli Bradley has long known the best and the worst of his country. His grandfather Isaiah was one of the very first Super Soldiers, the kind of warrior for liberty that little boys dream of becoming. But Isaiah’s work, like the brutal experiments that gave him his powers and so many of his peers an early death, was kept a shameful secret by the country he served, teaching Eli from a young age that service is never simple. Still, feeling a deep need to make the world a better place, he co-founded the Young Avengers as Patriot. Though sometimes at odds with Captain America and the Avengers, Eli still earned their respect, even taking up Cap’s original shield with his blessing. Patriot continues to strive to make his home into the better place it must become.
  • Samuel Sterns was once an average high school dropout, but after working the night shift at a chemical plant, a gamma explosion left him with an insatiable lust for knowledge. It turns out the gamma granted Sam a genius-level intellect, which he then used to turn himself into The Leader, an evil mastermind and arch nemesis to the Hulk.

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Tricia Kennedy
As a huge Disney fan Tricia enjoys having Walt Disney World basically in her backyard. When she's not at the theme parks she is either playing drums or with her dog Yoda. She is a lifelong Star Wars fan and has ridden Star Tours over 270 times.