New Fan-Created Documentary Tells the Untold Origin Story of Disney Theatrical Productions

A newly released Disney fan-created documentary tells the fascinating and untold story of how Disney Theatrical Productions was born.

What’s Happening:

  • Disney Theatrical Productions – An Origin Story tells the story of their many failed attempts at getting a legit theatrical show on stage, to becoming an unstoppable, theatrical entertainment powerhouse.
  • This documentary delves into the creative vision, key milestones, and important events where the battles were staged and fought, and finally the catalyst that propelled the company's first show to the Broadway stage, as told by the people that were there.
  • Join us as we explore the behind the scenes struggle and the incredible legacy of a company that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.
  • Interviews include:
    • Don Frantz – Producer and Director, Walt Disney World 1990-1994 – Producer, Beauty and the Beast on Broadway – Producer, The Lion King on Broadway
    • Chase Senge – Senior Show Director, Walt Disney World Entertainment 1986-2001
    • Stanley Martin – Art Director, Disneyland Resort 1986-1994 – Scenic Designer, Beauty and the Beast on Broadway
    • Andrea Canny – the very first on-stage Belle at Disney/MGM Studios
  • You can watch the full documentary directed by Forrest Mallard for yourself below.

What They’re Saying:

  • Michael Eisner, Former CEO of the Walt Disney Company: "I saw this documentary which is excellent. Congratulations on a job very well done. Pass on the praise to the talent who made this program. It reminded me so much of how it all happened, which I never really knew all the details."
  • Greg Ehrbar, Disney Historian: "This fine documentary is important on so many levels. It reveals information that is unavailable anywhere else; the facts come from people who did the work; and most of all, it confirms Beauty and the Beast as the single most influential property in Disney history, popular culture, and even New York heritage, than any other Disney work, perhaps since Mary Poppins and Snow White. Other IPs may have made lots of money, these three changed the world."
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Luke Manning
Luke is a fan of all things theme parks and self-proclaimed #1 fan of Joffrey’s Coffee, who lives in Kissimmee, FL