Dream to Reality: Josh D’Amaro Brings What Fans Love About Disney to the Uninitiated at INBOUND 2024

Disney Experiences Chairman Josh D’Amaro was one of the keynote speakers at Hubspot’s INBOUND 2024 conference held in Boston. While it may seem odd to see him present at a marketing conference, he took this opportunity to share Disney’s approach to storytelling through concepts such as innovation, emotional connection, and courage. As Disney fans, these are all ideas that we see in action every day, but it was interesting to see how D’Amaro delivered the message to the uninitiated. I also learned something about D’Amaro and myself through the process.

For those that don’t know, Hubspot is a marketing software company that puts on this event for its users and partners. You could tell this was not a fan audience, as D’Amaro had to start his presentation by taking several minutes to explain what D23 is and how passionate Disney fans can be. The vibe was also different. Unlike D23, there were no thunderous rounds of applause or meta moments, and attendees arrived minutes before the presentation started and not hours.

For each concept that he discussed, D’Amaro was able to bring it back to Walt. He would then show how they live that concept today, and then share a personal story. For example, on innovation, he would discuss how Walt pushed the boundaries with Pirates of the Caribbean and then they evolved it for the new experience at Shanghai Disneyland. He told the story of how the Imagineers struggled to bring it to life, but persevered by their commitment to pushing the envelope.

All of the concepts that D’Amaro discussed would be familiar to anyone reading this website. This was about teaching these ideas, such as storytelling being the heart of everything they do, to a less familiar audience. While it is always great to hear D’Amaro speak, I was curious how his familiar message resonated with those that haven’t heard the “keep moving forward” quote on a weekly basis.

So, I chatted with several attendees after the presentation about what they heard. One woman was fascinated by the idea that all the employees are called “cast members” because everyone has a role to play in putting on the show. Another woman was shocked that Disney even considered the placement of trash cans and how it impacts guests. A gentleman couldn’t believe that they took the risk in developing a Spider-Man that can fly through the air. There was a buzz as we exited that was different from the one in Anaheim. Instead of an announcement or a Deadpool joke, they were processing these ideas that we know are the heart of what makes Disney special and how they will apply them to their own endeavors.

It made me think of how much I have learned about life from watching The Walt Disney Company over the years. I always think about how we can dream big, I always understand the challenges of change, and I always know that we need to keep challenging ourselves. It is ingrained in my DNA. Not everyone has seen the lessons Disney has taught us through their approach. That doesn’t mean Disney doesn’t make mistakes, but we have seen that when Disney is true to its ideals, the results are successful. I am more successful in my professional and personal life, because I have watched a company that I love show me the right way to live. I never realize how much I have gained from my fandom until I am engaged with those that haven’t been as lucky as me.

I learned a new lesson from D’Amaro today. He told a story about how his son had to do a presentation in class and that he was nervous. Josh told him that if you believe in the story you are telling, you can proceed with conviction. He is right. It is a lot easier to talk from the heart than be distracted by the spin you are trying to spew. While not every fan is going to love every one of D’Amaros decisions, I truly believe that he believes what he says. The only way he would be able to navigate his sometimes tough conversations with guests and cast members is that he believes what he is saying.

While we do not know what the future holds, I do believe that D’Amaro feels that Disney’s brightest days are ahead of it. With a record level of investment and lots of new projects, there are a lot of reasons to be optimistic. Josh believes that the next decade will be an exciting time for all Disney fans. Do we have the courage to put away our well-deserved skepticism and believe him?