Primo Pizza Time Has A Full New Family And A New Collection Craze In This Week’s “Primos” on Disney Channel

This week, the Primos decide to replace themselves for some alone time, while we see a new side of Cousin Bud when it comes to collectible toys.

Summer of Segundos

Tater is spending time with her BFF Serena, drawing in her journal before they are interrupted by Nacho declaring that it is Primo Pizza Time. This (basically daily) family gathering of all the primos at Quakey’s has become a bit tiresome to Tater, who would rather spend time discovering herself and working on her final form.

However, when Serena shares that pizza sounds good right now, Tater is seized with inspiration and has the idea to have her BFF act as her second – or Segundo.

As Tabi notes, this should actually be a “doble” or double, since she is serving as a stand-in, but regardless, Tater dresses up Serena to be her second/double and go to Primo Pizza Time. While Tater is having some precious alone time and decides that she needs a coat of arms in her final form, Serena is actually having a good time with the cousins.

However, Gordita is a fan of the idea, and builds a robotic version of herself to serve as her second. This trend progresses through each of the Primos, leading to a whole second family of Primos that serve as an annoyance to Nacho as he rounds them up for Primo Pizza Time. It’s only when Carmela stops by that Nacho sees the appeal of this, and has Jean Cluck serve as his second. At Quakey’s, none of the actual Primos are even there and it's a whole family of seconds. Shout out to second Cha-Cha. Easily the most entertaining of these replacements.

As Tater goes around to ask thoughts on her coat of arms, she realizes she actually misses her real cousins, and seeks out a way to get each one back. Eventually, they all reunite at Quakey’s, returning Primo Pizza Time to normal once again, and presents her new coat of arms which represents her entire family and their bond.

But what about the seconds? Well, the made their way to Buela’s house, and serving chicken soup to a very large chicken (Jean Cluck) might not be the best idea.

Summer of Breaking Bud

At Quakey’s, Tater is pumping coins into a toy machine at the arcade and pizza place to get an (appropriately enough) collectible Tiger Paw out of it. The sticky, stretchy, bungee-esque toy is quite enticing, but the rest of the primos don’t have the time to waste and leave Tater behind. Well, all but Cousin Bud, who advises her not to blow her college fund trying to get the toy. He reveals that long ago he was quite the business mogul as an obsessed young man named Cousin Buck, who could close any deal, make any trade, and made numerous connections in the collectible toy community.

What changed him? One day, he realized that he was hurting nature around him and turned his back on the toys and decided to devote himself to being a nature lover.

He can tell that Tater really wants the collectible Tiger Paw and agrees to help her get it, but as long as she promises to end the hunt after it is acquired, and to not let him go too far after he transforms back into Cousin Buck. She agrees.

We then see Tater and Cousin Buck go from supplier to supplier, including Alex at Quakey’s, and even the garage possum as she gets the Tiger paw she wanted. How does Bud do it? His Man Bun of course! That’s a sign of someone in the industry who knows what’s up.

They go back to Quakey’s and there is a new sign saying that there have been 100 new sticky paws added to the game, including a new limited edition Capybara paw that Tater has her eyes on. Not letting Cousin Buck go just yet, they have a new mission together, roping in the other primos to help sell and trade sticky paws. Nachito begins to fall behind as he fails to sell or buy any sticky paws. While Tater continues to show compassion towards him, Cousin Buck begins to become crueler and more distant towards the younger primo when he fails to close deals for him.

Finally, the family has a mountain of sticky paws in their collection and are celebrating in the backyard. However, when Nachito tries to have a paleta, Buck refuses him. Cousin Buck, who quite literally has become a monster, is quickly defeated as Tater and the primos work together to help bring him back to normal – by untying his man bun. That’s where his power lies. Using one of the sticky paws, Tater is able to destroy the man bun and return Cousin Buck to Cousin Bud.

This episode of Primos is now available on Disney Channel, the DisneyNOW website, and Disney+. You can also catch up with earlier episodes of the series on Disney+.

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Tony Betti
Originally from California where he studied a dying artform (hand-drawn animation), Tony has spent most of his adult life in the theme parks of Orlando. When he’s not writing for LP, he’s usually watching and studying something animated or arguing about “the good ole’ days” at the parks.