“Diamond in The Raft” — Players Are Tasked With Shattering Emma Frost in Part 6 of Fortnite: Absolute Doom’s Story Quests

We are back for week 6 of Fortnite: Absolute Doom’s Story Quest series. In this season, Dr. Doom has harnessed the power of Pandora’s Box and infiltrated Fortnite’s Battle Royale island. With new locations, such as The Raft, Doomstadt, and Castle Doom, players will be confronted with Doom’s Latverian army and allies as they try to take over. With the help of some of Marvel’s bravest heroes, players will attempt to stop Doom from completing his powerful armor and return order back to the island.

Throughout the first three sets of Story Quests, titled Are We Doomed…?, Heroes Assemble, and Shuri’s Invention, players learned that Doom is attempting to “cleanse” the island of its impurities and make himself ruler. His plan requires him to curate armor specifically designed to harness the chaotic and untamable power of Pandora’s Box. After uniting with some of Marvel’s mightiest heroes, players trained with some of their powerful weapons, worked with Shuri, AKA Black Panther, to come up with a plan to pull Doom out of hiding, and test that plan on Doombot. Using rift recalibrators, players attempted to capture Doombot, but Dr. Doom’s allies thwarted our plan. In set four, The Illusionist, players were tasked with breaking Mysterio’s mental manipulations and taking him down. After a successful fight, Iron Man brought in high-tech Stark Industries weapons to the battle in part 5, I am Iron Man. Now with our new weapons, one ally taken out, players will still need to take out Emma Frost before we get the chance to take down Doom for good.

This week’s story quests are titled Diamond in The Raft. With 6 different stages, we are gonna walk you through how to complete these challenges while exploring the unfolding story of Absolute Doom. Always remember to track your quests so objectives appear on the map when available.

  1. Find Hope’s Instructions near Doom’s Courtyard – Kicking off our first quest, players will need to head to Doom’s Courtyard. In the center of this point of interest is a shrine to Dr. Doom. All players need to do is head inside the shrine and interact with the cell phone on the ground. On the other end of the line, Hope will let you know she sent you to pick up the phone to prevent Emma Frost from using her telepathic powers to intercept the transmission. She informs you that Tony Stark has given us three power dampeners to help aid us in taking down Doom’s ally.

  1. Use a Forecast Tower – This challenge isn’t difficult, but it does require some planning. After the second storm circle closes in, Forecast Tower icons will begin appearing on the map. This indicates that they are ready to use. Only three will activate throughout a match, so staying close to one of them is a good idea. Once active, players will need to take down three bosses that rift in. Once they’re down, a keycard is dropped allowing players to head to the computer and activate the tower. Afterwards, players will have a map indicator showing where the next storm circle will be. You can view all five of the Forecast Tower locations below. You’ll then be prompted on your next challenge.

(Map courtesy of fortniteworld.app)

  1. Hire a Scout or a Supply Specialist – For this challenge, you’ll need to head to the island north of Doomstadt or just across the river from Tony Stark. Talking to either Artemis or Centurion will give players the option to hire them for 200 Gold Bars. After hiring one of them, Hope will let you know that it's time to head to The Raft to set up the Stark Power Dampeners to prepare for our fight with Emma Frost.

  1. Place Stark Power Dampeners at The Raft – Head directly to The Raft to initiate this challenge. Once you land, blue exclamation markers will appear on the map showing players where to place the power dampeners need to go. All players have to do is approach these markers and interact with them to set up the dampeners. Jones and Hope hop on a call. Jones is freaking out and Hope tries to calm him down by reassuring him that, while Emma Frost is angry, we have everything we need to take her down. Jones clarifies, sharing that our rift beacons are picking up a big hostile signal, and it is moving in quick. Hope, dumbfounded, fears we aren’t ready to take down Doom. Jones assures her that we can do it, but we need to take out Emma Frost first.

  1. Defeat Emma Frost – Heading inside the cell area of The Raft, players will find Emma Frost. Approaching her will begin the battle, so make sure you have guns, weapons, ammo, shield etc. Emma Frost isn’t too complicated, however, she is capable of turning into pure diamond. This makes landing hits difficult throughout the battle. You’ll have to break her diamond form to do real damage. If you have Captain America’s Shield, throwing it at her is a great way to break her diamond form. Also, be aware of the Latverian soldiers roaming around, they will come to Emma’s defense. Once taking her down, Hope will hop on coms with The Oracle. She is freaking out, fearing she won’t be able to stop Doom. The Oracle attempts to calm her down, explaining that her self-doubt is an indication that she cares about doing this right. While The Oracle affirms her fears of being decimated by Doom, she makes sure Hope knows that her passion and emotion are what make her a good leader and a hero.

  1. Talk to Hope about the final battle – The final Story Quest of the season requires you to meet up with Hope once again at Sandy Steppes. Hope will tell you she is ready for Doom. She shares she’s still scared, but promises to never stop fighting to return order to the Battle Royale island.

And that wraps up the Fortnite: Absolute Doom Story Quest series. We know this fight is far from over. Who knows what Dr. Doom is coming equipped with? Did he successfully complete his armor? How will this fight end? We will be back to explore the final fight of this season when Dr. Doom rifts onto the island.

Fortnite is an Epic Games created Battle Royale style, online, multiplayer game available on all major gaming consoles and PC.

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Maxon Faber
Based in Los Angeles, California, Maxon is roller coaster and musical theatre nerd. His favorite dinosaur is the parasaurolophus, specifically the one in Jurassic World: The Ride.