Meet Moana’s New Crew: The Characters Steering Her Next Adventure in “Moana 2”

In the 2016 musical adventure film Moana, the title character set off alone on a mission to find Maui and restore the heart of Te Fiti. In Moana 2, coming to theaters on November 27th, Moana is no longer journeying alone. She’s now joined by a vibrant, diverse crew whose unique personalities and talents add humor, heart, and excitement to her next adventure. As Moana takes on a new challenge that will test her leadership and deepen her connections, her crew becomes central to both the journey and the story. I learned all about them during a recent visit to Walt Disney Animation Studios in Burbank as production was wrapping up on the eagerly awaited sequel.



Loto: The Inventive Engineer

Leading the crew’s roster is Loto, a young, energetic engineer bursting with ideas and ingenuity. Played by actress, comedian, and writer Rose Matafeo, Loto is a character whose mind is always on the move. Director Dana Ledoux Miller described her as “a super-brilliant engineer. She’s full of energy, though her timing and instincts can be a bit unpredictable.”

Visually, Loto is designed to be instantly recognizable. As character designer Danny Arriaga explained, “She’s young, brilliant, and inventive—a natural engineer who loves creating and problem-solving. She always has her adze tool and a measuring rope with shells to gauge distances.” Loto’s shorter hair, small tooth gap, and mole on her cheek give her a distinctive silhouette that makes her feel both iconic and relatable.

Loto’s personality is as dynamic as her look. According to head of animation Amy Smeed, “Loto’s mind is racing constantly. She’s always inventing, but never satisfied with her creations. Even if something works, she’s already thinking of ways to make it better.” Fellow head of animation, Kevin Webb, added, “She’s super intelligent, but she sometimes struggles socially and doesn’t always read the room well. She’ll often say the wrong thing at the wrong time, but that’s part of what makes her lovable.” With a combination of fierce intellect and endearing quirks, Loto promises to be a delightful addition to Moana’s team.

Kele: The Reluctant Farmer

On the opposite end of the enthusiasm spectrum is Kele, the grumpy yet lovable farmer played by David Fane. As director David G. Derrik put it, “Kele is the island’s greatest farmer. He was born in the dirt, works in the dirt, and wants to die in the dirt.” He’s reluctantly joined Moana’s journey to keep the crew fed, bringing along his plants to ensure they have resources on the go.

Kele’s design perfectly reflects his earthy personality. “He has this unique shape language and proportions that make him look like a piece of driftwood with gnarly hands, bony ankles, and knobbly knees,” said Danny Arriaga. Though Kele might not have dreamed of a life at sea, his role as a farmer makes him indispensable to Moana’s mission. And his bond with his plants is both funny and heartfelt. Amy Smeed recalled one particularly touching moment: “In one scene, a plant starts falling, and he catches it with such tenderness, saying, ‘Oh, good, you’re okay.’ It’s such a funny, touching moment.”

Moni: The Maui Super-Fan

Adding a storyteller’s flair to the crew is Moni, the island’s historian and passionate keeper of their culture. Played by Hualalai Chung, Moni’s role is to bring the legends of the island to life, with a special admiration for one demigod in particular. “Moni is a huge fan of Moana, but he’s an even bigger Maui super-fan,” shared David G. Derrek. “In his opinion, Maui has the best stories.”

Kevin Webb described Moni as a true fanboy. “When we develop characters, we often think about who they might be in the real world. For Moni, we thought he’d be like a theater kid or a super-fan at conventions like D23 or Comic-Con. He has such a big heart and loves sharing stories about his hero, Maui.” With his constant smile and wide-eyed enthusiasm, Moni is always ready to bring a bit of levity to the crew’s journey. “He often has a big smile and wide eyes, with a very casual, relaxed demeanor, like he’s constantly dancing to his own rhythm,” Amy Smeed explained.

A Journey of Connection



In Moana 2, Moana’s crew represents more than just companions—they embody the themes of connection, culture, and growth. As co-director Jason Hand observed, “Moana was called by the ocean to bring her people back to the sea, but she hadn’t yet reconnected with others. Now, she’s growing up, interacting with Maui again, and connecting with her people in a new way.” Moana’s journey with her crew not only amplifies the action and excitement but also underscores her evolution as a leader and friend.

With Loto’s boundless creativity, Kele’s deep connection to the earth, and Moni’s storytelling passion, Moana’s crew brings a fresh dynamic to her world. Of course, you can also count the world’s least intelligent rooster Hei Hei as an honorary member of the crew, and Pua gets to join this time. Together, they embark on an adventure that reflects the film’s powerful themes of unity, growth, and legacy—taking audiences on an unforgettable voyage that is sure to resonate long after the credits roll.

Assemble your own crew and head to theaters to see Moana 2, opening Wednesday, November 27th.

Alex Reif
Alex joined the Laughing Place team in 2014 and has been a lifelong Disney fan. His main beats for LP are Disney-branded movies, TV shows, books, music and toys. He recently became a member of the Television Critics Association (TCA).