December 17th marks an important day in animated television. Since 1989, The Simpsons has brought viewers into the hilarious world of Springfield, and for the series' 35th anniversary, Disney+ invites fans to a live stream of the series’ very first episode.
What’s Happening:
- On December 17th, 1989, television history was made with the premiere of The Simpsons.
- For the first time, viewers got to sit down with Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, kicking off decades of laughs.
- Now boasting 36 seasons and 777 aired episodes, the animated series has become one of the longest running programs in television history. It also currently holds the record for longest running animated series.
- In celebration of The Simpsons 35th anniversary, Disney+ has announced on X that they will hold a special live-stream of the series first episode “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire” on YouTube.
- Streaming tomorrow at 5PM Pacific, Disney+’s YouTube channel invites fans to the free streaming event.
- To view the stream, make sure you head to Disney+’s YouTube channel to enjoy the celebration.
- “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire” introduced viewers to their favorite animated family as they prepare for the holidays. Quickly showcasing the chaos of the series’ iconic characters, viewers saw Bart disobey his parents to get a tattoo, Lisa begs for a pony, and Homer will have to take on a part time job as a mall Santa to cover Christmas present expenses.
- Don’t miss out on the free The Simpsons stream at 5PM PT tomorrow!
Read More The Simpsons:
- TV Recap / Review: A Long-Standing Family Squabble Is Put Aside in “The Simpsons” – “Homer and Her Sisters”
- “GMA” Guest List: Casts of “The Simpsons,” “Squid Game” and More to Appear Week of December 16th
- Photos / Video: “The Simpsons” Disney+ Holiday Special “O C’mon All Ye Faithful” Holds World Premiere at El Capitan Theatre