Amidst the devastating wildfires taking place throughout Southern California, former Disney Imagineer Joe Rohde has taken to Instagram to reminisce about the city of Altadena. This sleepy, foothill community has been home to many Disney Imagineers throughout the decades, and is one of the cities most affected by the fires.
What’s Happening:
- In a post on Instagram, former Imagineer and recent Disney Legend Joe Rohde – who was responsible for designing much of Disney’s Animal Kingdom, among many other projects – discussed the city of Altadena, which is currently being ravaged by wildfires.
- Rohde notes that when Imagineering was hiring for EPCOT, one of the few places young Imagineers could afford to get a house was Altadena.
- Over generations, a large number of Imagineers have lived in the area, with children growing up there, going to school, learning to drive and even getting married “where the palms and pines came together.”
- Sadly, many of these homes burnt to ashes during the wildfires that have affected much of Southern California over the last few days.
- Of course, it’s not just Altadena that’s been affected, but also the equally devastating situation in Pacific Palisades and Malibu.
- Check out Rohde’s full post on the situation below.
- He also shared a video and some information on just what causes these wildfires, and why these have been particularly devastating.
More News on the Southern California Wildfires:
- Disney Legend Jamie Lee Curtis Donating $1 Million Towards Los Angeles Fire Relief Fund
- Disney CEO Bob Iger Shares Photos of Destruction Caused by the California Wildfires
- Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal CityWalk Remain Closed January 9th Due to Extreme Winds and Fire Hazards
- Academy Awards Delays Nominations Amidst California Wildfires
- The Walt Disney Company Announces Office Closures Amidst Wildfires