Disney has released “Gekko and the Missing Gekko-Mobile” the second PJ Masks Disney Junior Appisode, which is based on the Disney Junior PJ Masks television episode, “Gekko and the Missing Gekko-Mobile.”
The Appisode features an interactive full-length television episode featuring favorite Disney Junior PJ Masks characters, including Catboy, Gekko, Owlette, and Romeo. Featuring over 30 interactive activities, players help the PJ Masks find the missing Gekko-Mobile and stop Romeo before he stinks up the whole city with his Rotten-Egger.
Disney Junior Appisodes makes shows interactive by allowing preschoolers to watch, play and interact directly with their favorite Disney Junior Shows. “Gekko and the Missing Gekko-Mobile” is available now on the App Store and Google Play for $4.99. A monthly subscription to Disney Junior Appisodes is also available for $2.99.