Walt Disney World Weather Report for May 25 from @WDW_Weather

I honestly cannot believe that by the time you read this we could have yet another named storm in the Atlantic BEFORE the official start of the Atlantic Hurricane season while we already have our second named storm in the Pacific.  Let us hope this is not a sign of things to come.  Speaking of predictions and things to come – the NOAA has officially gone on the record as saying they expect a “near normal” season in the Atlantic.  I will say this – while models are still coming into better agreement anyone planning on heading to the beach this weekend on the Atlantic side may want to make plans to head to the Gulf side.  This circulation regardless of further development may be felt along the southeastern coast sometime this holiday weekend.  I will be updating my Twitter account @WDW_Weather more often than usual on a weekend should anything new and important come up.

Closer to the parks and Central interior Florida – I do not expect any real effects from this system today.  We topped out at 90 yesterday and I’m expecting that again today.  This temperature is just about where we should be this time of year as the average high today would be 89.  The chance for showers and thunderstorms increase as we head through the weekend and I am going to back off temperatures a bit because of expanded cloud cover.  Some of this may change depending on where this developing circulation decides to go. 

Other than that I’d expect temps to top out around 90 and at least get into the upper 80s all weekend.  There will be a chance for showers each day with I think your best chance for rain on Sunday.