Walt Disney World Weather Report for the February 24th Weekend from @WDW_Weather

Hang on to your hats – this is the wildest ride in the wilderness … oh I’m sorry that’s in refurb so clearly it must be Mother Nature getting a little frisky as a cold front rolls through.

It will be windy today as a front passes through.  Another warm day lies ahead before front gets through and when that does happen a shower or two is not out of the question.  Highs once again will be far above average for this time of year as they top out in the mid 80s.  Lows will get down in the the upper 50s.  

This is where things get tricky and it is very annoying as I am getting on a plane Saturday morning.  For the past 10 days long range models showed a gorgeous weekend for the Princess Half and now it looks like that may not be the case.  I am not talking a wash out – and I’m still thinking it will be dry for race time – but some showers seem to be possible Sunday into Monday now … though it would likely be later Sunday afternoon and evening (and all of these features keep slowing down).

Saturday looks like a fine day (going backwards) with plenty of sun and cooler temps than Friday with highs much cooler and in the 60s behind that cold front!

I will try and tweet updated info as I see it since you won’t see another post from me until next week!  Anyone running the half – good luck – and if you see my sorry self running – wave :-)!