Modern, Classic and Hard-to-Find Disney Available at on Demand

Reader DBitz2 on our Discussion Boards posted the following…

I inadvertently discovered that a bunch of old Disney live action movies & tv episodes that are mostly not readily available for purchase or viewing are available through Amazon View on Demand for rental viewing. 

Included are titles such as: The Fighting Prince of Donegal, Emil & the Detectives, Smith!, So Dear to My Heart, The Wild Country, The Magnificent Rebel, The Incredible Journey (original), Scandalous John, Kidnapped, Tonka, Charlie and the Angel, Westward Ho, the Wagons!, One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing, The Sword and the Rose, Amy, and The Bears and I. There are several others that I didn’t list. Some of these are, or have been available at one time through The Disney Movie Club or Disney Movie Rewards. But, many of them are not available as far as I know. I was very excited to make this discovery, as there are a few of these old films and tv shows that I have been wanting to see…

Looking through the list there are a ton of both old and modern films – animated and live-action. A huge selection with most available for a $1.99 48-hour rental.