The Fabulous Disney Babe - May 2, 2001

The Fabulous Disney Babe
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Henry came out and mugged for the audience a bit, while some of the new people found places up the stairs and on the balconies, hanging their legs through the crooked slats. Henry looks nothing like Henry in the attraction; remember, bears are real persons in real life in this world, so they can't look like caricatures. The attraction at Disneyland is a tribute/takeoff, in this world, of the real band. Like the Peach Boys in Food Rocks. He, again, looks like a "real" bear, but with personality.

After some scenes involving Christopher Walken, we were then taken back for dinner break, which was barbecue chicken and ribs, corn, rice, potatoes, macaroni and cheese, salads, fruit, cornbread and desserts. They had run out of a few things by the time we got there. After dinner, we sat and waited some more, then went back to Country Bear Hall. We were sent back, as we were not the right group, but within five minutes were sent back again. I was told to wear my brown leather jacket, as I'd run in from the other door, and they didn't want two identical shirts running in from two different ways. In a crowd, you're not all that noticeable, especially if you wear brown for some reason.

After about an hour of running in one door, and seeing Alex Rocco, who plays Rip, the Country Bears' agent, with his red shag hairdo, we were taken around the gorgeous front of the building to the other side, where we spent about two hours running in and running in, then we did takes of Big Al opening the door. Big Al is simply gorgeous. His fur is the same color as the one in the attraction, but he looks much more like a real bear than he does like Al Bertino. He's wearing a tool belt, orange and white net-backed baseball cap, and Frank Hill-style "Liar's Suspenders" (the yellow ones that look like measuring tape).

Exhausted, we limped the long, cold way back to the main tent to fill out our paperwork and get our call times for Wednesday, which were the same as Monday. Again, as you read this, I'll be on the set, waiting to be called for my place in Disney history as a face in the crowd.

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-- Michelle Smith

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The Fabulous Disney Babe's column is posted every Friday and when ever else she has something to say. For more on Michelle's background, see her first column. She also offers The Fabulous Tour: Disneyland Secrets and Stories. Click here for more information.

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-- Posted May 2, 2001

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