June 27th Walt Disney World Update,

June 27th Walt Disney World Update
Page 6 of 24

Epcot: The Land & Wonders of Life

33199 bytes
FastPass has been added to Living with the Land
Click here for a much larger version of this picture
(640 X 480, 82,267 bytes)

15003 bytes
Another view of the boat ride's fastpass distribution which is now open.
Click here for a much larger version of this picture
(480 X 640, 63,922 bytes)

21160 bytes

26090 bytes

40626 bytes
Wonders of Life Pavilion with the MetLife reference removed as they are no longer sponsoring the pavilion.
Click here for a much larger version of this picture
(640 X 480, 87,861 bytes)

46536 bytes
The Met Life logo has been removed.
Click here for a much larger version of this picture
(640 X 480, 98,452 bytes)