Who Wants To Be a Millionaire - Play It! Auditions,

Who Wants To Be a Millionaire - Play It! Auditions
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LP: I know they said you need to prepare a one-minute spiel. What are you going to be talking about?

LB: You know, (she leans in closer) don’t tell anybody but this is my first official audition with a monologue. O.K. I’ve done other auditions but more non-speaking roles. So I didn’t know what to do. So I kind of made something up that would kind of show my personality which they said to do. I'm just praying it's o.k.

LP: I want to wish you luck. I go to the Park all the time. If you win you better say hi to me. When you’re a big star up there on the stage.

LB:Oh - when I’m a big star - God bless you. God bless you.

LP: Are you nervous?

LB: Am I nervous? You know what? Thinking about this last night I was cool. I was like ok, this is going to be fun. But now that I’ve arrived at the hotel in the audition room I do have butterflies. I do have a little upset stomach from nerves.

LP: You don’t think it will affect your performance?

LB: Who knows? I don’t think so, but to me I think the day one person gets to a point where they’re never nervous then they need to re-evaluate themselves because I never think I’ll get to be "all that" and never not be nervous. You know what I’m saying?

After the interviews I was able to sit it on a few of the monologues. All the performers were very talented but one really stuck out in mind. It's not that he was the funniest or the most convicing, but of the six or seven people I saw, he was the one I'd bet would get the gig. To me, he was a game show host. Below is a video of his monologue.

P01133.JPG (25648 bytes)
My bet's on this guy
Click for a 1:26 second video clip in MPG format
Small (160 X 120) 5.2 Megs
Large (320 X 240) 9.6 Megs

Having seen the attraction in Florida I can tell you - much like the real game show - the host makes all the difference in the world. The group of hosts I saw in Florida were absolutely fantastic. Given what I saw last Monday morning, I have no doubt the same will be said of the California version. Who Wants To Be a Millionaire - Play It opens in a few weeks. I can't wait to find out!

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-- Story, pictures and video by Doobie Moseley

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