Kenversations: Ray Sidejas Retires - Oct 6, 2011

Kenversations: Ray Sidejas Retires
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I attended the Ray's retirement celebration held the morning of Friday, September 30, 2011. I have been "apart" of the magic since June 2005, and this was my first time being invited backstage since then. I did not want to miss this. The event was held in Stage 17 at DCA, where the "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" attraction once existed. The place was packed with tables, a stage, balloons, displays, and lots of yummy eats� even the much-despised (in Custodial circles) fresh popcorn.

People who'd worked under Ray but had moved on had gathered from near - many still work at the Resort - and far to mingle with people who are still part of the active Custodial team, along with many other people. Having the event in the morning allowed "third shift" Night Custodial cast members to attend after their shifts. There was much catching up to do before the formal presentations began.

Anyone who thinks Walt is only invoked when something good and classic at Disneyland is being replaced with something they don�t want as much ("Walt Disney always said Disneyland would never be completed�") or to sell collectibles to nostalgic baby boomers, should know that events like this prove that idea wrong.

Ray Sidejas and others talked about Walt Disney and his vision as though Walt had just retired himself. It is people like Ray who have perpetuated the core vision of Walt all of these years - quite literally. Ray and Bruce Kimbrell were the men who had put together a class called "Walt Disney and You" in 2001 to help infuse the heritage and legacy of Disney into the ongoing innovation and growth of the resorts. Even from a purely financial standpoint, I think this is good business. Walt and the legacy he left are part of what distinguishes the resorts from the competition. The class connects "less tenured" leaders to man they'd never met. It has instilled understanding of the legacy into over 3,000 leaders directly, leaders who have positions in all levels at Disney's first four resorts.

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The "final" script for "Walt Disney & You" was one of the gifts presented to Ray.