Pixar Killed the Radio Star
Yesterday the day I never thought would happen, happened. ABC Radio was essentially sold off. Many on Walll Street feel that this division was sold off to pay for the Pixar transaction of last year.
While I would love for Disney to own everything, I think this is a smart move. Disney is keeping it branded radio networks such as Radio Disney and ESPN Radio and selling everything else. Radio is no longer a mainstream media. Shock Jocks and over politicized talk show hosts polarize the audience, and that is something Disney doesn't need to be doing. Disney has already had several challenges with its radio buisness with the Black Hoe controversy and several issues with the Bay Area's Hot Talk KSFO. You don't have to look to far back to see the challenges NBC and CBS Radio had with the Don Imus situation.
And on the other end Disney got Pixar. That is a buisness that fits well. So far, the integration has been a positive for both sides. We just celebrated the opening of the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, which would have been less of a happy occasion if Pixar was making movies for another company. Every one acknowleges from Bob Iger on down, including Wall Street that the company is better off with Pixar being part of the Disney family.
So in the end, I will miss ABC Radio, but the joy of owning Pixar will more than make up for it!