Disney’s Magic Kingdom Perfect Place to Welcome New US Citizens
Walt Disney once said, "I thank God and America for the right to live and raise my family under the flag of tolerance, democracy and freedom." I was born several years after Walt Disney died but over the years as a Disney fan I have seen countless footage of him, heard numerous stories about him by his family and those who worked with him. Browsing through books featuring quotes from Walt Disney you can find many that reflect a deep patriotism and pride in America. Today the Magic Kingdom hosted a very special event and as I stood in attendance of the event I was profoundly struck by the special nature of the Disney parks in their celebration of America. Cinderella Castle was the main stage for a very celebration as 1000 new US citizens were sworn in. It was a cloudy day but that definitely didn't dampen any spirits and helped to bring out the brilliant reds & blue of stage bunting and decor.
WDW president Meg Crofton welcomes the crowd and invites Grammy-award winning singer and songwriter Gloria Estefan to perform the National Anthem while the American flag is raised on the stage in front of the castle by the 6th Air Mobility Honor Guard from McDill Air Force Base in Tampa FL. Red and blue fireworks popping to accentuate "rockets red glare, bombs bursting in air".
Gathered in the forecourt castle area 1000 immigrants from over 100 nations were represented. There were men, women, old and young gathered to declare as part of their oath to "support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic." As each nation represented is announced they stand, given our location many are Cuban, Jamaican, and Bosnia (which surprised me). Director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Emilio Gonzalez took a moment to specially recognize the youngest new citizen, eleven-month-old Sofia Costa from Miami, Fla. She was wearing an adorable red & white polka dot dress. He described today's event as an opportunity for each to write a new chapter and reminded those gathered that this type of event was happening in many other places including Iraq. This event will include those serving in the military who were not yet citizens when they took up arms. By the end of day he explained more than 4000 new citizens would be naturalized. He reminded those gathered that "America is the greatest country in the world because of its immigrant community and because of events like we've just witnessed this morning. America is a land that asks nothing of its new citizens," He continued America forgets about who you were and America is interested in who you are and what you will be. A land of boundless opportunity, where anyone can be anything if they set their mind to it. He expressed that he knows America is a place where dreams come true as he himself came to America at the age of 4 and has become America's Director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Emilio Gonzalez introduced Republican Senator and Cuban-American Mel Martinez. Mr Martinez is the first Cuban-American within the US Senate. Despite the increasing rain, Mr. Martinez talked about the July 4th celebrations - a day to recall our freedoms. He talked about his family's immigration from Cuba. His family's desire to pursue the American Dream. He described the day he took his oath and recalled that he was given a small American flag that day that he kept for many years. He encouraged the new citizens to participate in the various activities available to them as citizens. He shared Thomas Payne's words, "those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must like men undergo the fatigue of supporting it." He reminded those gathered of the tremendous contribution of US immigrants throughout history. He introduced a brief message from the President who welcomed them. As the rains increased Senator Martinez led the new citizens in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then announced the Voices of Liberty and as they sang "Golden Dream" as if choreographed from above the rains lightened. Some blue sky actually broke through in the distance. It was so beautiful!
Then Lee Greenwood came out and sang Proud to Be American with fireworks above the castle. Then the new citizens were invited to march down Main Street. I moved to spot partway down Main Street. As they marched past us their families who lined the parade route joined in and it was such a beautiful image as it became more and more difficult to discern the new citizens from the park guests lining the street. A rather inspiring reminder to me of our nation's melting pot. With all the various backgrounds, ethnicities they were now all Americans.
Then I glanced over again toward Cinderella Castle and the Partners statue caught my eye. There were Walt Disney and Mickey walking hand in hand. Walt pointing off into the distance with the ceremony's American flag waving behind them. I couldn't help but wonder what Walt would've said that day. I'm sure he would've encouraged them all to pursue their dreams. Perhaps he would talk about his beginnings and where his good ol' American hard work and dedication had brought him. Once the parade made its way to Town Square, 2 F-15 bombers flew low over the castle up Main Street to the Train Station and beyond. The new citizens were wildly waving US flags and cheering as confetti and streamers filled the air. The Magic Kingdom band was playing. It was truly magnificent. I'm so thankful to have witnessed today's naturalization ceremony. We'll be posting images and video on LaughingPlace.com soon but you can watch today's events on DisneyParks.com.