What’s Going Down at the Disney-MGM Studios
Today is The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror's 13th anniversary. The Tower of Terror was one of those attractions, like Splash Mountain, that not only raise the bar when it comes to Disney attractions, but also changes the dynamics of the park. Tower of Terror gave the Disney-MGM Studios some ligitmacy. It turned Disney's version of Universal Studios in to a theme park that stood on its own merits.
It is time to do that again. Toy Story Mania will help, but that is just the begining. Block Party Bash will add an energetic and popular parade. The ABC Studios new show will be a hit (Trust Me), And word is something neat will be going in to Soundstage 1. The Studios also has its fair share of that immersive entertainment that is popular these days with The High School Musical Pep Rally and the Star Wars Jedi Training Academy.
I am not saying any of these projects are going to be as important as Tower of Terror, but it does show that Disney knows the Disney-MGM Studios needs some TLC. They haven't had a new attraction since Lights, Motors, Action in 2007 and reception to that has been luke warm. Before that Disney-MGM Studios was last in the spotlight during the 100 Years of Magic celebration in 2001 which offered a hat, a parade, a museum, and light-up pins. It is definatley time for the Studios to be in the spotlight.
I have said before that I felt the Disney-MGM Studios reflects where The Walt Disney Company in the present. When it opened with Touchstone being a success, the park reflected the company's desire to be a major player in the motion picture industry. When Disney's motion picture factory began to falter, the Studio's identity began to change. Now with a focus on Pixar and other franchises expect the Disney-MGM Studios to rebound with the new energy the "New Disney" provides it.