My Oscar Picks

Here are my picks for the Oscar which will be awarded on my favorite broadcast network, ABC, on Sunday night. Do you agree with me? Not only did I give my picks, but I also explained why I went with the nominee I selected. Here we go:


ACTOR -- LEADING Daniel Day-Lewis -THERE WILL BE BLOOD; this film, while released domestically by Paramount, is being distributed by Miramax internationally. So Duh


ACTOR -- SUPPORTING Javier Bardem - NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN: this film was released by Miramax, take that Harvey.


ACTRESS -- LEADING Ellen Page - JUNO: There are no Disney films in this category, so I am going with Ellen Page because not only did so do an interview with ABC's Barbara Wawa, but her next film "Smart People" will be released by Miramax and an Oscar win could give that film a bump.

ACTRESS -- SUPPORTING Amy Ryan - GONE BABY GONE: Yet another Miramax film. All of these Miramax films are kind of depressing. Where is Hannah Montana.

ANIMATED FEATURE RATATOUILLE: I was debating between Surf's Up and this Pixar release. Just kidding, did you expect me to pick something else?

CINEMATOGRAPHY THERE WILL BE BLOOD: Roger Deakins, the cinematographer of this film, also did The Village, which was M. Night Shyamalan's last good movie.

COSTUME DESIGN ACROSS THE UNIVERSE: I picked this film only because Julie Taymor directed this film and the stage version of The Lion King.

DIRECTING THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY: This Miramax film is about a man that is paralyzed after a stroke. I'm telling you Miramax, think happy.

DOCUMENTARY FEATURE NO END IN SIGHT: I picked this one, because I figure it has something to do with the Pirates of the Caribbean films. Those films don't end

DOCUMENTART SHORT: FREEHELD: This film was selected because it was the only one whose title I could promounce.

FILM EDITING: NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN: Notice that Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End was not nominated in this category.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM: 12: This film got picked because while the film might be in another language, its title is universal. Don't confuse this film with 21, an american film being released this Spring.

MAKE UP: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: The makeup was one of the things I could stand in this film. Although part of me wants Norbit to win so I can say, Academy Award wiining film, Norbit.

ORIGINAL SCORE: RATATOUILLE: Michael Giacchino who scored many Disney projects such as The Incredibles, Lost, Space Mountain at Disneyland, and of course Muppet Wizard of Oz, deserves a win.

ORIGINAL SONG: "THAT'S HOW YOU KNOW" - ENCHANTED: Is there any question that this is the best Disney musical number since the second golden age ended? Its great to have Menken back at the Oscars with another three nominations. I am looking forward to the Oscar style production number during the telecast.

SHORT FILM- ANIMATED: PETER AND THE WOLF: While I am protesting the Disney and Pixar lack of pressence in the category, Disney did release a version of Peter and the Wolf in 1946 so a win for the new version is a tribute to the original. In my heart, however, How to Set Up Your Home Theater is the true winner.

SHORT FILM- LIVE ACTION: AT NIGHT: I presume this film is about Night Kingdom at the internet controversy it caused. Am I correct in this assumption?

SOUND EDITING: RATATOUILLE: Miramax pay attention, this is the kind of fun and enjoyable movie you should be making. No serial killers or paralyzed authors or druged out mothers can be seen in this film. Just a cooking rat, and who doesn't love rats in kitchens.

SOUND MIXING: RATATOUILLE: I think the test to get in to the Academy is if you can tell the difference between great sound editing and great sound mixing.

VISUAL EFFECTS: PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD'S END: I guess the visual effects weren't that bad either.

SCREENPLAY -ADAPTED: NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN: Miramax had three nominations in this category. This option was the least depressing. That is not saying much.

SCREENPLAY -ORIGINAL: RATATOUILLE: How impressive would it be if an animated film wins the Oscar for its screenplay? Incredibles was nominated, but did not win. This is the year. I can feel it.

BEST PICTURE: NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN: Disney has not won this award since 2002 with Chicago. Hopefully this film, or There Will be Blood will win and return the company to glory.

How will my picks do? Watch the Oscars on ABC or check here on Monday. GO DISNEY!!!

Qucik Takes:

Parks and Resorts: I saw the new Playhouse Disney- Live on Stage show at Disney's Hollywood Studios. I loved the original version, and this edition, while enjoyable, is lacking something. I love seeing this show because the little kids get really in to it, However Bear in the Big Blue House had more of those moments it could play on; the theme, the Bear Cha-Cha-Cha, the Goodbye Song. The new show uses some of those moments like calling for Toodles, but it misses the Hot Dog song, a highlight for Rebekah and me. Hopefully, the show will be tweaked before it is exported to Disney's California Adventure. Even with the flaws, I still like the show.

Media Networks: Speaking of Playhouse Disney, they announced that "Bunnytown" will be "hoping" into a daily timeslot and new episodes March 24th. I have heard that this show is one of the most prolific Playhouse Disney shows, with new episodes seeming to come in to being all the time.

Consumer Products: The Game Developer Conference was held last week in San Francisco. We all know Disney is ramping up its game production. Disney acquired Junction Point Studios last year and its founder Warren Spector recently posted a blog regarding his favorite games. Junction Point Studios has not revealed what game they are working on, could his favorite games list give you some insight? If it does, let me know. His taste is very eclectic making me unable to deduce what to expect.

Video of the Day: ABC News offers a preview of the Oscars, which just happens to air on ABC. What a coincidence.