Rock On!

Just yesterday I was talking about how it was good to see that ABC was jumping on the Disney Channel bandwagon.  Well today, it looks like EVERYONE is joing the Camp Rock/Jonas Brothers nation.  Here is the schedule:

Tuesday, June 17 – "Camp Rock" on-demand preview begins on Disney Channel on Demand, a video-on-demand service available to Cablevision iO Digital Cable, Time Warner and Verizon FiOS TV customers.

Friday, June 20 (8:00 p.m., ET/PT) – "Camp Rock" premiere on Disney Channel U.S. with an audio simulcast on Radio Disney and a video simulcast on Sprint and MobiTV devices. Movie also premieres on Family Channel in Canada.

Saturday, June 21 (8:00 p.m., ET/PT) – Premiere on the ABC Television Network

Sunday, June 22 (8:00 p.m., ET/PT) – Premiere on ABC Family

Monday, June 23 (8:00 p.m., ET/PT) – Premiere on in DXD

Saturday, June 28 (8:00 p.m., ET/PT) – "Camp Rock" Rock-a-Long programming event on Disney Channel (song lyrics visible on screen and via

July -- Premiere on Disney Channels Latin America (dates to be announced)

Tuesday, August 19 – Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment releases "Camp Rock" on DVD, with exclusive bonus features, in the U.S. and Latin America. It releases around the world beginning in November.

August – Premiere on Disney Channel Japan (dates to be announced)

September – Premiere on Disney Channels India, Southeast Asia, Korea, Taiwan, the UK, Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, Australia and New Zealand (dates to be announced)

October -- Premiere on Disney Channels Scandinavia.

It looks like the only folks that arn't broadcasting Camp Rock are ESPN.  Perhaps the next Disney Channel Original Movie should be sports related so they can get their piece of the pie.  The Jonas Brothers are so big, I hear they are adding them to "it's a small world".  They will be in the Mary Blair style of course.  I hear Nick Jonas does have five legs. 

Quick Takes:

Studio Entertainment: A while back Disney announced they had a first look agreement with Stan "The Man" Lee's POW Entertainment.  Today they announced three franchises from that deal.  "Nick Ratchet" is about a private eye.  "Blaze" is an action-adventure project.  And finally, "Tigress" is about a woman that develops tiger-like instincts.  Do these franchises sound good to you.  I would never expect Stan Lee to create a character that adopts traits of an animal, so it is great to see him think outside the box. 

Consumer Products: Rick Riordan, the multi-award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, has signed a multi-book deal - which includes a new, original fantasy series with Disney Publishing Worldwide.  I have never heard of this author and as soon as I am done with 1906 I will probably read one of his books.  The odd thing is that the film rights to Percy Jackson and the Olympians are heald by News Corp's Fox.  I wonder why Disney didn't get the rights when they originally signed him and I wonder if this new deal includes the rights to his new fantasy series.

Parks and Resorts: The Cheesecake Factory is leaving Disney Quest.  Originally there was supposed to be Cheesecake Factories in Disney Quests around the nation, but since that never happened there was no reason for them to run one venue in the middle of Walt Disney World.  So now Disney will run the food venue.  So next time someon e complains to you that Disney outsources too much, take them to Disney Quest....just don't valet your car. 

What to Watch: Well ESPN paid a lot of money to have the rights to the NCAA Woman's Tournament so you should probably watch one game today.  At least Trey Wingo hosts so you can snicker at his funny name. 

Video of the Day: Duel is returning to ABC on Friday.  Catch a sneak peak here.