Welcome to Pixie Hollow

Pixie Hollow opened just the other day and I am now the proud poppa of a Light fairy who already has four badges.  I know...isn’t that impressive.  I would let you know some of my other stats, but as I try to access the site as I write this, it is down and I am told to “fly back soon”.  The Fairies “virtual world” was surprisingly appealing to this twenty-something male.  The games were addictive and the world is not as manic as some other MMORPGs I have seen. 

The big question is will the fairies franchise take off.  It is of course too early to tell since the DVD that launches the franchise is still a few days away.  But so far, I have been pleasantly surprised.I was very critical of this franchise when I first heard about it many years ago.  In addition, the many delays didn’t encourage any enthusiasm from me.  But I enjoyed the movie and I am enjoying the game.  Now I know I am not the target audience for this franchise, but based on my experience I would not be surprised if this franchise that has its roots in Consumer Products actually ends up driving business across of all of Disney segments.

Now part of me can’t help but wonder if this would be the case if John Lasseter had not come to Disney and encouraged many changes.  We all remember how Brittany Murphy was originally announced to be Tink’s voice with much fanfare, but ended up being replaced by Mae Whitman.  This is just one of many changes that occurred in the film after John and Ed took over all things animation.  The film and franchise is stronger because of John’s involvement.  So is it too much to say that in addition to leaving his mark on Disney Animation, Disney Consumer Products is being “saved” by John Lasseter?

Now I am not one to view any one Disney personality to be perfect nor have all the answers.  But you can’t help but see John’s demands that this film be held to a high standard (which we can agree not all direct-to-video films are) might end up having a great financial and strategic value to Disney.  Disney’s business is creativity and it takes a special executive to realize this.  So perhaps we shouldn’t be focusing all our praise on John.  Maybe the man the understood the importance of quality and allowed John to make changes in pursuit of a great product is the person that truly deserves the praise.  Score another one for Bob Iger.   

Quick Takes:

Parks and Resorts:  I just saw the High School Musical 3 show at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.  And while I wish I had something to say about it, if you saw the first two editions it is pretty much the same thing.  Which is not a bad thing in my opinion.  I do miss the cast teaching the kids how to dance to “Were All In This Together”.  But all in all, it is still a good show.    

Media Networks: A rare shout-out to the highly profitable ESPN.  The final undefeated team in the NFL, the Tennessee Titans will host Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts in an important AFC South game on Monday Night Football.  And for those keeping track, I am in second place on Laughingplace.com’s Pigskin Pick’em contest.   

Consumer Products: The Toys “R” Us (still looking for that key) in New York City held an event today to mark the third anniversary of the game as well as kick-off Club Penguin’s consumer products line.  I watched a little bit of the webcast and I was struck by how much the kids new about the site.  Tiny details like the name of the Captain’s Piffle and the location of the secret enterance in to Club Penguin’s HQ.  I have played the game but I have to admit that it is not my cup of tea.  That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate what it is, and I have to say you can tell the developers have put a lot of heart and thought in to their product.  There was a lot of pressure for Disney to make some acquisitions in the internet world, but they were patient and waited for the right ones.  I think they made the right decision.   

Studio Entertainment:  So High School Musical is out today and if the crowd at Downtown Disney is any indication, this movie is going to be big.  Just do me one favor...if the movie is sold out when you get to the theater, do not buy your children tickets to Saw 5.  It is not about a bunch of kids singing about see-saws.  Just come back another day.     

What to Watch: Same thing as last time.   Game 3 of the World Series on FOX.  GO RAYS!!!   

Video of the Day: The grim grinning ghosts from Disney Parks provide a Halloween Serenade.  It is sure to wake the dead.    

News from Around the Web:

ABC News:  Chris Cuomo interviews Tinker Bell on Good Morning America.  He doesn’t interview Mae Whittman, he actualy interviews Tinker Bell.  Check this out, it is really cool. 

NY Times: Young train fans can pose dangerous distractions to those that operate the trains that many find so fascinating.  Train operators are prohibited from allowing fans from distracting them, but that doesn’t mean some don’t allow the curious onlookers more of their attention than they should.  Walt loved to learn from the engineer and fireman that allowed him to operate the steam train he worked on as a kid.  But times change and if you want to learn about trains perhaps it is safer to take the train tour at the Magic Kingdom or visit Walt’s barn at Griffith Park.  At least that way you are getting some Disney out of it. 

USA Today: USA Today has a positive review of High School Musical.  In fact, as I write this, High School Musical is fresh on Rotten Tomatoes with 62% favorable reviews.  I think USA Today says it right when they say:  ...with the latest plethora of gross-out bathroom humor in movies aimed at a young audience, High School Musical 3 really does emerge like a breath of fresh air. Even if the refreshing gust doesn't stay with you long, it's fun while it lasts.

LA Times: Corbin Bleu tells the LA Times his 7 favorite High School movies.  None of which are Disney.  I am disappointed in you Corbin.  You couldn’t find one?  What about “The Computer that Wore Tennis Shoes” or “The Shaggy Dog”.  Whatever...  I bet you Monique likes Disney movies.   

Orlando Sentinel: If you want any hints about where Disney is trying to take Downtown Disney in the Post-PI era, here is a hint.  On October 30th and 31st from 5 to 9 there will be free trick-or-treating and entertainment at Downtown Disney for the whole family.  Note the picture in the article.  They are kids.  The new Downtown Disney is for families in case you didn’t get the hint.   

Variety:  Variety looks at High School Musical 3’s box office prospects.  The paper says that the film might face some competition from.....Saw V.   Uh sure.  Whatever you say.