Dancing with the Stars Recap: Week 2
Week 2 opened with a dance to introduce the contestants…blah blah blah NENE LEAKES HAS BANGS! That was the first of two huge bombshells that opened the episode, with Tom “LIIIIIVE!” Bergeron dropping the second, revealing that it would be a double eviction night, which scared the crap out of Billy Dee Williams’ partner, and rightfully so. Drew and Cheryl were the first announced as safe, then they were told they must dance immediately (His face switched so fast from excited to “oh crap!” that he gets 1000 points). And with that…let’s get on with the show. BA BA DA BA BA BA BA, BA BA DA BA BA!
Drew and Cheryl danced a Jive that included crazy legs and the sprinkler, but was overall super fun. As Carrie Ann mentioned last week, he really is the feel-good dancer of the season. They cut to Wayne Brady in the audience, who was super happy for his former Whose Line buddy (and Wayne’s buzz master). 3 SEHVENs from the panel.
They returned from commercial with Billy Dee, Meryl and Danica on stage…and all of them were safe. Wait, WHAT?! You are telling me soon-to-be-Hover-Round-spokesperson-if-he-falls Billy Dee Williams, with a FREAKIN’ 15 last week made it through?! Oh, the shame in America.
Danica and Val danced next, with a Samba. In the rehearsal package before they danced, they showed Danica overwhelmed with the dance and crying in a corner. How very Full House of her…THE FAKE PRODUCER CREATED RIVALRY CONTINUES! Their samba was really nice, except she was rather filmsy. If she was tighter in her movements, I could’ve seen a bigger score for the “sexiest mathematician” that Tom knows. Three 8s from the judges.
Erin was rocking a ponytail this week, which is fantastic, but the awkward shots of the contestants fake smiling during other celebs’ post-dance interviews are making the nation super uncomfortable.
Billy Dee and Emma danced a Tango next and…shocker…he still sucked. He looks like he is in pain which makes me feel like I’m in pain which makes me want him off the show more and more. He is a very nice man and everything, but why did he sign up for this?! While it was better than last week (barely), he still received three 5s.
Meryl and Maks danced my favorite dance of the night, a super energetic and high-flying Swing number. Maks is nervous with throwing the fabulous Meryl all around the stage…SOUND THE ALARMS! MAKS IS NEVER NERVOUS! Her Rosie the Riveter hairdo was cute too. I tweeted her and asked her to Prom, but as of now…no response. Two 8s and a 9 (from Len?! When did he become the generous one?!) were their scores.
Erin seems to want to make love to Maks through her interviews…which is odd. Anyway, they next revealed that Amy and Candace are safe…but Diana and Henry were the first ones booted out of the ballroom. Diana was very kind in her leaving, discussing how she just loved dancing and how she feels bad that she didn’t give Henry a few more weeks. They performed their Cha Cha that was pretty good (better than damn Billy…ugh), which made me even sadder to see them go.
Yet, the mirror ball keeps spinning and Mark and Candace danced a Rumba. In the clip before the dance, she mentioned how Jesus is the most important thing in her life, which resulted in large cheers from the crowd…which was weird. (No mention of Buddha was made, so, unfortunately, I couldn’t compare) I was obsessed with the dance, very beautiful and the love story they portrayed I understood completely. Unfortunately, the judges thought her wonky arm was annoying and the choreography was too contemporary (which, last time I checked, WASN’T CANDACE’S FAULT! But, I digress). They received three SEHVENs from the judges.
Amy and Derek performed a crazy Swing routine, that made everyone nervous that her legs would fly off (she mentioned it quite often in her opening package). Amy, Heather Mills never had that happen, so you’ll be fine! They performed on a smaller stage, making the intimate nature of the performance really cool and Amy’s timing with Derek was stunning. She had one arm pass mistake, but nothing major (the major fault was hiring Derek to be on the show…so annoying). 8s across the board for her dance.
They next revealed that James and Charlie were safe.
Peta (BAE!) and James danced a Salsa that the judges found fraking incredible, and I just found “eh”. My problem is that James takes the sex-factor up to high, only relying on that for crowd cheers, which becomes super annoying. He thinks he’s the sexiest thing since Martha Stewart’s modeling career. By the way, Peta’s new haircut is super cute and James did the worm. Take those things as you wish. Carrie Ann inducted James into the “DWTS Sexy Hall of Fame” which has been a thing for her this entire show. She thought this up in her head. She took time out of her day to create this museum in her mind. I have no words. A 9 from Carrie Ann (SHOCKER) and two 8s.
Sharna and Charlie danced a Tango that was part Purple People Eater and part Game of Thrones. I thought it was really good, but, as Len mentioned, they broke hold during the dance which is a HUGE Tango no-no. I also noticed Charlie’s strides are humungous, as if he’s constantly stepping over a gator-infested river. Two 9s and a SEHVEN from Len (You break hold, you lose two points. At least in Len’s mind).
Nene and Tony danced a jive, which her husband wanted her to dance. She brings so much joy to the ballroom, which is must appreciated. Her only problem is her lack of sharpness, which the judges each mentioned. Carrie Ann also mentioned how she wanted Nene to elongate her arms, so Tony was all “GURL HELL NAH, I MADE THEM THAT WAY!” and Carrie Ann was all “Yeah, the dance wants small arms, but she needs long arms” and all of America went “JUST SHOW US YOUR SCORES!” Three SEHVENs from the judges.
Karina and Sean danced the Salsa and during it, he looked at Karina the WHOLE ENTIRE TIME to make sure he was doing the right moves. It was alright, but his constant lack of emotion makes me feel like he has a serial killing past. He’s also super tight, making it even more awkward. As the Muses from Hercules would say, “Lighten Up, Dude!” Three SEHVENs for his scores.
Cody and Witney performed the Tango and throughout rehearsals, he tried to make it “modern” by pulling down his pants and trying to add boy band moves. Witney said “We have to keep it traditional,” but I would’ve responded with “SHUT UP AND LISTEN!” His legs seemed stiff at the beginning, but it made its way up to the torso and neck. Carrie Ann, which I agree with, said it became much better halfway through the dance. Bruno also made a Twilight reference and no one screamed. THANK THE HEAVENS THAT THE TWI-HARDS HAVE GONE INTO HIDING! They received two SEHVENs and an 8 (from Bruno).
Nene was revealed to be safe, then Erin addressed the remaining two by saying “One of you will be revealed to have the second lowest numbers votes and you will be eliminated now.” Charming. Sean was revealed as the 2nd to go home (at least America got one person right).
During the episode, they also revealed information on the new Switch twist. To change up teams, tweet #DWTS, followed by a professional and a star. (For example: if I wanted Drew and Peta together, I would tweet “#DWTS DREW PETA”) I really feel like this twist will be either super interesting, or incredibly awful, but only time will tell.
What are your thoughts on Week 2 in the ballroom? Let me know in the comments below or on the discussion boards!
(photo courtesy of poptower.com)