Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
This is a hard movie to review. How do you talk about a movie that is one spoiler after another? Let's give it a shot...
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is not the movie I thought it was going to be. For despite the film’s title, this is not the story of The Winter Soldier. This is a movie about Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D. In fact what happens to S.H.I.E.L.D. comes as a shock especially considering this is the same organization that is featured on ABC every week. But let’s switch topics before I get in to the spoiler zone.
To be fair, Captain America: The First Avenger was my favorite of the Phase One films that led into Marvel’s The Avengers. Kevin Feige made the wise move to have it be a period film that adds dimension to a character that could easily be flat. It also allowed for a pulp-y tone that was missing on the very-grounded in reality Iron Man films. This second installment does not have the same tone, but so far it is my favorite of Phase Two.
The intrigue and mystery allows for the film to be exciting without having to top the battle of New York that was the climax in Avengers. While there are giant set pieces including three new Hellicarriers, this is a smaller film in terms of spectacle but it is huge when it comes to changing the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it. That has been the challenge that all of the Phase 2 films have. How do you keep making a film that by its very nature is smaller in scale still feel exciting and interesting. Iron Man 3 tried to make it personal. Thor 2 tried by incorporating other realms that have not been explored. Cap 2 succeeds by keeping it grounded but by challenging what we thought we knew and what our expectations were.
My one criticism of the film would be the frantic cuts that made the action scenes hard to follow. Both Captain America and the Winter Soldier are trained fighters. Their combat would be precise and graceful not shaky and sloppy. But after raking my brain, that is the only complaint I can have with this film.
Unlike Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World, it is obvious that this film is leading into Avengers: Age of Ultron. After having two films that took place in their own world, it is nice to be in the bigger Marvel Universe with Maria Hill, Nick Fury, and Black Widow making appearances. There is also no doubt that Marvel films and TV shows will be impacted by what happens in this movie. Of course, stay through the credits... ALL THE CREDITS!!! That does bring up the challenge of watching this film. You spend so much time trying to figure out how everything that is happening affects the rest of Marvel instead of enjoying the film for what it is; a fun political thriller with superheroes thrown in for good measure. I look forward to seeing the film again so that I can let my mind relax, and enjoy the ride.
Since it is hard to talk about the film without spoiling I will rank the Marvel films. On Monday, check back for a little more open discussion about the film.
- Marvel’s The Avengers
- Captain America: The First Avenger
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- Iron Man
- Thor: The Dark World
- The Incredible Hulk
- Iron Man 2
- Thor
- Iron Man 3