Disney Infinity: The Basics – Let the Adventure Begin!

The Walt Disney Company's latest video game craze, Disney Infinity an action-adventure game, has been on sale since mid 2013, so why a “back to basics” blog entry now? With the newest figure release of Phineas and Perry, I thought it would be fun to take a look at the original figures as well as review the basics for those not yet initiated players.  My Disney Infinity obsession began in December 2013 when I received the complete set for Christmas.  To be honest, I never would have bought Disney Infinity for myself since the game play seemed rather convoluted.  My preconceptions were immediately proven false and I have been voraciously gaming since that fateful day.  In this article, we will take a brief look at the game playing options and basics. Future articles will take an in depth look and review specific adventures, play-sets, toy boxes, and power discs. So! Let's begin at the top!

Vanellope Figure - Disney Infinity

Disney Infinity is a video game available for multiple gaming platforms; Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 3, Wii, Wii U, PC, and iOS.  Upon original purchase, you can buy the bundle pack with includes the physical game for your device, power base or Infinity Base,  3 figures/characters (Jack Sparrow, Sulley, and Mr. Incredible), and corresponding play-set (Monsters University, Pirates of the Caribbean, and The Incredibles). This runs on average around $75.00.  In order to play the game, you place the game in your respected console, plug the power base into your console via the attached USB cord, and place a character on the Infinity Base.  Now, the Disney Infinity World is ready to be explored.

Woody Figure - Disney Infinity

There are a few fascinating ways to play Disney Infinity, each as much fun as the last. When only a character is on the power base and no play-set, you can play in the Toy Box mode. (Each character has an RFID chip implanted in the base, the power base scans this chip and is able to recognize which character is on the base).  The Toy Box is where you can let your creative side run wild. You can build your own world with items, also called toys, found throughout the game in different Disney universes. You create your own adventure!  You can also download pre-built Disney Toy Boxes. These pre-built worlds are designed by Disney and Disney Infinity fans around the globe! As you become more proficient with building and amass a greater collection of toys, you will be able to submit your completed Toy Box to Disney to possibly be featured. Every week, Disney releases, via the internet about five to ten Toy Boxes available for free download. These Toy Boxes are often incredibly imaginative and filled with fun Easter eggs.  In addition, each character also has his/her own specific adventure that you can play to earn experience points.  These adventures are accessed through the Toy Box mode and help teach you to become a proficient player by learning the basics in a fun way.  Against the clock your character collects items, defeat enemies, and rescues friends.

Davy Jones Figure - Disney Infinity

The other way to play Disney Infinity is The Play Set mode. Only specific characters come with a play set and you are only able to play a play set with characters from that world. Currently, there are four play sets on the market; the original that comes with the starter kit, Lone Ranger, Cars, and Toy Story. The play set is a clear PVC like figure that is placed on the Infinity base and loaded the same way the various characters are. When both are put on the Infinity base a whole new adventure is open!! Battle Davy Jones, race in Radiator Springs, or visit Monsters University to gain experience points, keep the peace, and unlock surprises. For those of you thinking you will just be playing a scene by scene version of the inspired movie, you are wrong! Each play set is an original, interactive story line with main and side missions. There is lots to do and lots to achieve in order to fully complete a play set and you will find yourself playing for hours on end.

Agent P Figure - Disney Infinity -- Pre-Order

For those of you ready to jump in and experience Disney Infinity there are currently a whole host of characters available to purchase, 33 to be exact and more on the way, not to mention 57 power discs (which will be discussed in a separate article), and four play sets.  Disney Infinity is a game that truly has never ending re-playability and is fun for Disney fans of all ages. You don't need all 33 characters to play. Start with your basic stater kit, get a feel for the game, and then begin your collection. You will have a great time searching and adding to your own Disney Infinity World!