Sing Like a Pirate


It's amazing how music can transport listeners to another time and place. For us Disneyland and Walt Disney World fans, there's nothing like theme park and attraction music to remind us of our happiest vacation memories. So much of what we hear in the parks plays an integral role in our overall enjoyment and ultimate suspension of disbelief.  Thankfully, the folks at Walt Disney Records  acknowledges our love of theme park music and continue to ply us with new and interesting music to purchase.  In honor of “Talk Like a Pirate Day”, let's take closer look at the music and other aural elements of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Available in Disney theme parks year round, Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean, is an excellent CD and worth purchasing.  Not only does it contain the full version of the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction but also wonderful tracks featuring various swashbuckling background sound bytes. There are 25 tracks in total many only minute long. As a result, despite the large amount of tracks the CD only has a running time of a little over an hour. The track titles clearly indicate the recorded sound bytes which aid the listener to mentally follow along with the attraction . Despite the large amount of tracks, I thought it would be fun to list them and show the variety of music and sounds on the CD. The piratical tracks included on Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean CD are:

  1. Disneyland's 10th Anniversary Special                   15. Scare Me Music
  2. Pirate Overture                                                            16. Ghostly Voices
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Float Through        17. Arsenal Scene
(From Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom)                 18. Pooped Pirate
  1. Barker Parrot                                                               19. Stuffed Pirate
  2. A Parrot's Life for Me                                                 20. The Auction Scene
  3. The Exit Spiel                                                               21. Various Pirates
(Unburied Treasures)                                                          22. Chase and Jail Scenes
  1. Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me) DEMO                     23. Bayou Banjo
  2. Tuba, Harpsichord and Vocal                                   24. Yo Ho instrumental
  3. Singing Dog                                                                   25. Fortune Red (Pirate Arcade)
  4. Accordion Player
  5. Drinking Pirate
  6. Drunk on Lamppost
  7. Singing Pigs
  8. Parrot on Bridge
There truly is such a wonderful array of music and sounds on this CD that it is hard to pick one stand alone track. However, my personal favorite is track number 3: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Float Through. It's quite amazing! While listening, you can close your eyes and almost feel that you are there floating along the adventurous waterway in your pirate boat!  The sounds and music of this iconic attraction are vibrantly crystal clear allowing the listener to hear many background sounds that are easily missed during the physical ride.  After listening to this CD a few times, I felt as if my experience on Pirate of the Caribbean was heightened and even more enjoyable.

Whether you prefer Disneyland's or Walt Disney World's Pirates of the Caribbean, this CD would make an excellent addition to any Disney fan's music collection! And remember, Dead Men Tell NO Tales!