DWTS Recap: #MyJamMonday
Lolo is gone and the world is a lot better. That world being the world of ballroom. #MyJamMonday started off with a combo dance featuring all the judges (with Bruno sprawled out across the stairs to the skybox…rather uncomfortably…) and their respective jams (“Come Dance with Me,” “Only Girl in the World,” “Born this Way,” and “Sky Full of Stars” were all played, you can associate them to who you’d like). From there, we went right into dances, with FANTASTIC new couple name cards before their dances. #TheLittleThings
Randy and Karina danced a Cha Cha that featured a lot of hip action, yet no “Satisfaction” from his footwork, ‘cause it was CRAP! (Len agrees) Also, he was much more stuff than last week. You know, some celebs are better and the lyrical dances more than the fast ones and vis versa. For Randy, he is clearly better at the slower ones. He calls himself a “competitive SOB,” but that’s not visible in the ballroom. Carrie Ann said it was underwhelming, to which I screamed at the screen YES! Straight SEHVENs from the judges.
Janel and Val had some tough times in rehearsal, as Val apparently becomes “grumpy” during rehearsals (and remember, braids when stressed, so get ready Janel!), which then stresses out Janel. “IT’S THE CIRCLE OF STRESS!” They had a masquerade themed Foxtrot to “Call Me Maybe,” since we took a time machine back to 2012? I saw a clear sharpness issue with her movements, they weren’t as on point as I’d like them to be, but the judges adored her. Julianne liked that it wasn’t super traditional, but the entire panel wants to see her feet PLANTED on the ground from here on out. Erin gave an amazing “Call Me Maybe” pun, then they received their scores, which were 2 nines (from Carrie Ann and Bruno) and 2 eights. Who cares though, because that Erin pun had me absolutely in tears.
Lea and Artem danced a Jive, which she was nervous about, since the fast movements aren’t her fote, because ballerinas know buptkist about leg flicks. Apparently she needs him to touch her to dance correctly…um, okay. #CougarTown. She went out there, however, and killed it. Great flicks (which are, as y’all know, my favorite), great energy and great tight motions. As Bruno said, VIVA LA LEA! Carrie Ann purposefully fell off of her chair in honor of her performance, as you do. Tom stated a sex joke on Len’s behalf, Julianne loved the high knees, and the judges gave them 3 nines and an eight from Len, the highest score of the night! Artem, also, became an American Citizen this past week, so Erin quizzed him…and he failed. Luckily they can’t take that away from him! (I think)
Michael and Emma danced a samba to “Girls in Bikinis,” which warrants the hashtag #DownWithBroCountry. It was an awful song choice, and awful dance, and I just came out feeling bad for Emma, as she never really gets set up with a “potential winner” type of a partner. Carrie Ann, myself, and the entire country saw no Samba. Oh, and Bruno said Pussy Galore and the entire crew on the show went “BRUNO SAY WHA?!?!” 4 sixes from the judges.
Tavis and Sharna had to deal with his crazy schedule across the week, but they seemed PISSED at each other, based on me just looking at them. Their dance was just eh, a disco themed Cha Cha that was oozing with tension. Judges could only really compliment his vibe, which means “YA DANCE STUNK!” 4 SEHVENs from the judges.
Alfonso and Witney were stress city this week, after trying to live up to their week one potential. They tried to “Get Jiggy Wit It” during their Samba, but it didn’t have the bounce needed, according to the judges. It didn’t have that flair like last week, but this is still a top couple. It started in the elusive laser black box, so that’s a plus. And it ended with fierce posing, so that was a nice touch. Len reveals he won’t be here next week (WHAT?!), to his response “But you’re really happy, though” which had me dying. The judges gave 4 eights.
Bethany and Derek danced a foxtrot to “All About That Bass,” while her ankle was in the midst of major pain, but then she went and STOOD ON AN ACTUAL BASS, with no back-up. It was incredibly dangerous and her face was just like “what, is there a problem?” which was amazing. It was a very simple and gorgeous dance, in which Carrie Ann loved her storytelling ability. Len also added in some of the worst tries at social media jokes I’ve ever heard. 3 eights and a 9 from Len.
Betsey and Tony danced a foxtrot, and there were no more forgiving boas this week. She was super nervous, went out there, and slaughtered it! A super fluid and flexible dance. I mean, she did a dang heel stretch, and as a cheerleading obsessed person, that was gold. She was so happy too, just describing how much she loves Tony and I’ve never heard more “Awwws” from the audience in the show’s history. Truly a beautiful partnership has made. 4 SEHVENs from the judges.
Cheryl and Antonio did a Rumba, it was better than last week, he tries not to stress, and I am bored. 3 eights and a SEHVEN from Len.
Peta and Tommy did a Salsa and he, once again, he was great! I thought better than Antonio, he really hits his moves, and, once again, I give it all to Peta. I am the President and Founder of #PetaPosse. He has at least one more week in him, for sure. Straight SEHVENs from the judges,
Alison and Jonathan danced a Cha Cha to an awful song to dance a Cha Cha to, Ed Sheeran’s “Sing”. People are on the stairs, which made me uncomfortable. I didn’t approve. BUT, the dance wasn’t all that great either. He has solid moments, then quickly goes to confusion and stiffness. Len thought it was jerky (not Beef) and saw no content. Alison went on the attack, saying because she’s new, she wanted to bring a fresh take to the show. And not one soul clapped. It was amazing. Tragic, but SO amazing. 2 SEHVENs from Carrie Ann and Len, and 2 eights.
Sadie and Mark ended the night with a fantastic country-inspired jazz routine that had a little skit portion that was pretty great. It was a ton of fun, and she was having a ton of fun…just a fun routine. Len didn’t like the country addition, to which I threw a shoe at the TV, hoping he would feel the pain. 3 eights and a SEHVEN from Len, the Debbie Country Downer.
It was good night in the ballroom, what are your thoughts?! Let me know your faves in the comments below or the discussion boards!