DWTS Recap: Most Memorable Year!
Janel and Val danced a rumba in honor of 2002, when Janel moved from Hawaii to California, while her mentor and 2nd grandmother passed away from breast cancer, with a missed opportunity of her not being able to say goodbye. The first set of tears is in my eyes and I can sense myself turning into a complete mess. Carrie Ann was even tearing up, just during the pre-aped package on the live stream, and we all know Ms. Inaba is synonymous with crying after dances. The dance was nice, featuring great lines, but seemed too sensual to be a tribute to her mentor for me. Bruno said she created a balance of emotion and motion (if that’s not already a bumper sticker, then something is wrong with this country), but her spins were awful. 4 Nines from the judges (which make SENSE this week, not the superfluous perfect score from last week. Oh my god, I’m remembering the awful singing…now I’m crying for different reasons.)
Jonathan and Allison danced a samba in honor of 2004, the year his parents both backed his acting career and big break in “Mean Girls”. The dance was also in honor of both parents’ passing, to which he knew they would prefer pep over schlep. The homage to the film was cute, but the dance was rather horrid. Definitely NOT gruel. Bruno said he went wrong, and after some small booing from the audience (WHAT DO THEY KNOW?!) he said “I’m sorry, Week 4” and they all shut up. 4 Sixes from the judges, to which received cheers from the crowd. (Okay, maybe they know something…)
Betsey and Tony danced a jive in honor of the birth of Betsey’s pride and joy, her daughter Lulu, whom she walks the runway with at every single one of her shows. The dance was rather magical, once again showing off her flexibility and ability to adapt, especially as she has covered every major “genre” of the ballroom. Her kicks were solid too, which, as y’all know by now, is my favorite thing to watch for. Betsey herself, however, saw two mistakes, to which she gave herself a “98 out of 100.” HOW can you not love her? Tell me. HOW?! Carrie Ann said it was phenomenal. An Eight from Carrie Ann and 3 SEHVENs from the rest.
Michael and Emma were the next couple announced as being in jeopardy.
Bethany and Derek danced a rumba in honor of her 2009, where she joined YouTube after having an incredibly rough time with bullying. She described how her friends turned on her and began to bully, which I find disgusting. However, she began posting, became a YouTube celeb, and now has a Streamy! Look at that haterz! She danced to “Try” by Colbie Caillat live, which was neat. I found it better than Janel’s rumba, in emotion and technique, but the dance resulted in my favorite responses of the night. Julianne was bawling her eyes out, describing how inspiring the dance was and how that is a message that needs to be shared…then said there wasn’t enough rumba content. I’m out. I don’t care if she’s crying, that’s hilarious how she still gets in the dig. Oh, and Derek was crying. Such a bizarre judges’ critique for this dance. Danica was at the bottom of the stairs as they received their scores, which is, I believe, where she lives now, because she is always in that darn ballroom. 3 Eights and a Nine from America. (Nice work, Red White and Blue!)
Michael and Emma danced a quickstep in honor of his 2001, where he simultaneously won the Daytona 500 and lost his best friend, Dale Earnhardt. He said in the package that he thinks Dale would prefer if he messed up the whole time…to which he delivered because that was straight up bad. Also, the only judges’ critique to not include a mention of the backstory. I don’t know how this man isn’t evicted or sent off the island or voted out yet. 3 Sixes and a SEHVEN from America (How dare you, Red White and Blue!)
Lea and Artem danced a contemporary routine in honor of her 2003, the year when they found cancer all throughout her father’s body. They knew they only had one more week with him, so they made every day a holiday. On their special Christmas day, her father got up out of his chair, and danced their last dance. *cue my tears* While they danced their absolutely stunning routine, pictures of the two of them flashed on the screen. I was a total and complete wreck. A perfect dance and perfect emotion. She broke down after the dance, with a mix of happy and sad tears that were beautiful to witness. 3 Tens and a Nine from America. (That’s it, I’m moving to Norway, where they would appreciate this kind of a thing!)
Antonio and Cheryl danced a samba in honor of the year he moved from Italy to the USA and got his first gig in a Janet Jackson music video. The dance was typical eh for Antonio, but the best eh he has given all season. Julianne sees him being more comfortable, but an empty space he constantly creates needs to be filled. When Cheryl was asked why they chose Week 4 to start showing Antonio shirtless, Cheryl said the truest answer ever. “For votes.” If this really is Cheryl’s final season, I’m going to be absolutely devastated. 3 SEHVENs and an Eight from America. (The no shirt thing helped, I’m guessing)
Tommy and Peta, who were announced as in jeopardy, danced a jive in honor of the year 2003, when he went to prison for transporting drug paraphernalia across state lines. Damn, this got really real, y’all. The dance, however, was really real in that it was really bad. Definitely his worst dance, as many flubs and, although Julianne once again announced her obsession with him, she said it wasn’t his best dance. (Thank You Captain Obvious) 4 SEHVENs from the judges.
Sadie and Mark danced a samba in honor of the past year and her grandfather getting (cough cough well deserved cough cough) scrutiny for some of his comments made on various TV shows and in various publications. It was a bizarre dance, with the entire family on the stage, Mark dressed as a Duck Dynasty member and Sadie dressed as a duck, and arm rolls a plenty (their go to), but it was still good. It did pull me away, however, from enjoying the dance. Wow, that was such a Len statement, I feel like rhyming. I am getting annoyed how anytime she shakes her hips, the judges freak out as if she just ripped off her outfit and jumped into a pool of pudding. She has great hip movement, get over it. Anyway, 3 Nines and a Ten from Julianne.
Alfonso and Witney finished out the evening by dancing a jazz routine as an ode to his Fresh Prince years. They put a picture of the house set from the show on the back monitor, and the Carlton returned in all its glory. Not only a fantastic dance, bring Alfonso back to his Week 1 prime, but it also was the only PERFECT SCORE of the night. The best part wasn’t even the dance, though. It was the entire Skybox, then the judges table dancing the Carlton for America’s enjoyment, pleasure, and future GIFs.
Unfortunately, I do bare bad news, as Betsey and Tony were voted off. I may have screamed a few expletives towards Michael alone in my room while eating a bag of Werther’s Originals…allegedly.
What were your thoughts on the week? Let me know your highs and lows in the comments below or on the discussion boards!