A Guide to Winning at Life and Disney Tsum Tsum
Obviously, I'm winning at life. And I don't mean it in the same way Charlie Sheen does, I'm actually winning. Because as I play more Tsum Tsum, I get better at the game and get higher scores. When you link your Line account with Tsum Tsum, it constantly shows you your weekly high score compared to your Line friends' scores. Do you feel bad about yourself when you rank in the bottom percentile? You bet you do! But this is okay because it's Fall now and that means you can eat your feelings through pumpkin flavored treats. So sit back with a bag of pumpkin cheesecake Pepperidge Farm cookies and play more Tsum Tsum!
Because your Line enablers are giving you more hearts, you can play the game more frequently so you can get more coins and get more Tsum Tsums. Why? Because you NEED them all! At this point, my family rarely hears from me because I'm too busy trying to get all of the Tsums. My dogs have learned how to scoop kibble into their own bowls because they can no longer count on me to do it for them. My employer has been trying to reach me for days, but I'm always mid-game and don't have time to call them back. What on earth do they want?
Because I have all of this life and Tsum Tsum experience, I decided to bequeath my wisdom to the rest of the world. You're welcome...
How do I get a higher score in the game? Well that's a stupid question, you connect more Tsum Tsums, you silly goose! But in all seriousness, the best tip is to keep trying to get your Tsum Tsum's special ability activated. Every Tsum Tsum has a different one. A box in the bottom left corner of the screen keeps track of how close you are to unlocking it. You unlock their ability by linking enough of that particular Tsum on your screen. Once the box turns yellow-orange, touch it to activate it. You will spend a lot of time trying out different Tsums until you find the ones you like best.
My spouse is complaining that I play Tsum Tsum too much. What should I do? You have to ask yourself one very important question: Who do you love more? If you love your spouse more than Tsum Tsum, than put the game down and spend time with them. Limit yourself to only playing at certain times of the day, like when you should be working to support your family or when you should be sleeping (coffee is your best friend). If you love Tsum Tsum more than your spouse, let them go. Ready??? GO!!!!How do I get more coins more faster? Step 1: Learn proper grammar. Step 2: Unlock Lady. Other Tsum Tsums might have a similar special ability, but Lady from Lady and the Tramp has the ability to allow you to earn extra coins on Tsums you connect when you activate her awesome power. I've even reached 1,000 coins before in a single game using Lady. Luck be a lady tonight! She's in a Premium Box (30,0000 coins!!!) and you can't pick what you get, so you'll have to cross your fingers that you get her.
Is weight gain a side effect of playing Tsum Tsum? You betcha! And there's a perfectly logical reason for this. It's very hard to be physically active while playing this much Tsum Tsum. And because your family, friends, and pets have given up on you, nobody is around to make sure you're getting a balanced diet. I live off a steady stream of Oreo's and the vault of Girl Scout Thin Mints that I've hoarded to bridge the gap between cookie seasons. I really need to call and cancel my gym membership because they're never going to see my fat face in there as long as Tsum Tsum exists.
Should I spend coins earned in the game on the Bonus Items offered just before playing? Not if you want to get more Tsum Tsums quickly! The game allows you to spend your hard earned coinage on Bonus Items that allegedly help you get more coins, experience, and/or points. I find that none of them are worth the cost and are probably an evil plot to delay you from getting your next Tsum Tsum. For example, it costs 500 coins to use the coin booster and it never seems like you earn enough to justify that price. The only option I think is worth spending coins on is the 5>4 one. This should only be used when you're trying to beat your weekly high score because you definitely won't get that many coins back (it costs 1,260 coins!). It makes it so only 4 Tsum Tsums are in your game, so it's easier to connect longer strings and get more points.
Do you get an advantage in the game from buying Tsum Tsum plushies? Nope, but you do get a sense of spiritual release from touching a physical version of an object you've poked so much on your screen. Also, they are screen cleaners so they can clean the disgusting finger grease that will cover your phone or tablet when you've been playing too much. They come in three sizes too, so when you've stopped working to keep playing and find yourself without a home, they will really liven up the concrete crawlspace under that bridge you're going to live under and can even double as a bed if you bought enough. Buying them is like investing in your future. What is the difference between Happiness Box and Premium Box? Cost and power effectiveness. Happiness Boxes are 10,000 coins and contain Mickey & Friends and characters from Winnie the Pooh. Premium Boxes are 30,000 coins and contain a random mix of other characters. The biggest difference is the characters in the Premium Box typically have better abilities, making them more useful to you. Save up for the Premium Box, I highly recommend it. What do you do if you buy a box and get a Tsum Tsum you already have? You know how in Donald Duck cartoons he sometimes gets red as if he is being filled with boiling hot water? That is the best way to describe the feeling of saving up for a Premium Box only to open it and find it's a Tsum Tsum you already have. As consolation for this awful feature of the game they make that Tsum more powerful, but it's still aggravating. It's perfectly acceptable to scream while breaking things, such as dishes or windows. Go get 'em, Wreck-It Ralph! How is Tsum Tsum pronounced? According to people I've met who speak Japanese, it rhymes with "zoom zoom." I've always said it "some some." As a result, my personal theme song has been "Tell Me Something Good" by Chaka Khan. I sing it all the time... "Tell me Tsumthing good! Tell me you play Tsum Tsum!..." But I am trying to change my song to "Supernova Girl" from Zenon... "Tsum Tsum Tsum, make my heart go boom boom. My super Tsum Tsum game!"Is it true that a Tsum Tsum attraction is coming to Walt Disney World? Yes!!!! It's coming!!! Spring 2017!!! It's actually going to be an entire land at Disney Hollywood Studios because Disney just realized that Tsum Tsum is their most viable franchise. Say goodbye to all of Sunset Boulevard, which includes Rock N' Rollercoaster, Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, and Fantasmic. Brace yourself for an entire land of stackable plushes and ride vehicles made out of them!... or maybe I dreamed this... I can't find anything about it on Screamscape, so it must not be true.
Is it possible to get all of the Tsum Tsums? Yes and no. While you could conceivably get each and every Tsum Tsum in the game, the odds are staggering because you get them at random through the mystery boxes and it's possible to get the same one multiple times. To make it even more difficult, new Tsum Tsum characters are routinely added to the game.
Should I spend real money to buy gems in the game? That's your call. You can convert real cash into Tsum Tsum gems, which can be exchanged for coins. They sometimes have sales on gems, so sometimes it's hard to fight the voice in your head telling you to spend all of your money on gems so you can buy more Tsum Tsums. However, as someone who has upgraded devices since the game was created, there is one fatal flaw. Your Line account can only be logged in on one device!!! That means if you have a tablet and smart phone, you can't play as the same user on both. Also, Line or Disney could discontinue the game at any moment and then all of your achievements will be lost. I live in constant fear that this will happen. This is why I personally will never spend real money in this or any other mobile game with in-app purchases. Can I have multiple Line accounts? Yes you may. While I only have the one account to try and keep my life balanced, you could have an active Line account on every device you own. So go out, buy a bunch of phones and tablets, create a Line account for each and keep giving yourself lots of hearts so you never have to stop playing Tsum Tsum!!!Where can I meet other active players and exchange Line accounts? Right here!!! The first Tsum Tsum article I did received a ton of comments from Tsum Tsum addicts hoping to share their Line accounts and make new friends. You can use this post for the same purpose. Plus you can add me. I'm goofystitch. That's my full legal name now. While I was typing this post, I received my documents declaring it legal. Goodnight, everybody!