Mickey and Minnie Mummy Cupcakes
As Halloween draws closer, I always get that itch to start baking. As I started experimenting, I decided the best way to make scary mummy cupcakes was to add a little Disney magic.
Incredibly simple, yet a favorite to any recipient, these cute little cupcakes will be a great addition to any party or gathering, or just for a rainy day. You can use a box cake mix, or use your own recipe from scratch. I also prefer to make my own buttercream, but you can also use a store bought frosting. Recipe for buttercream is included below.
For a fun mix, add some Halloween sprinkles in your cake batter.
What you’ll need-
One chocolate cream cookie per cupcake
Black Chocolate beads
Pink Chocolate beads
Small sugar beads
(All beads can be found at Walmart or the baking section at your craft store)
Once cooked and completely cooled, using a serrated knife, cut the tops off your cupcakes. You’ll want a flat surface to work with, so only do this if your cupcake baked higher than the liner.
Using a petal frosting tip, (a tip with a flat end) pipe straight lines across your cupcake to achieve a wrapped mummy look.
Split each chocolate cream cookie and scrape filling out carefully. Place the cookies on your cupcake to create ears.
Carefully pipe frosting onto the ears at an angle to cover the ears and seal them to the cupcake.
On each cupcake, in the center, place a black chocolate bead for the nose.
For Minnie, place two chocolate beads and one sugar bead in the middle to create her bow.
Recipe for Whipped Buttercream-
3 cups confectioners’ sugar
1 cup butter
1tsp vanilla extract
Splash of almond extract (optional)
2-3 tbs whipping cream
Soften butter and mix on high speed in a mixer with a wire whisk until smooth. Add confectioners’ sugar, half a cup at a time, mixing into butter for about 10 seconds (this helps incorporate air to make more fluffy). Once all sugar is mixed, let mixer run on high for 2-3 minutes. Mix in vanilla, almond, and add cream one tbs at a time until desired texture.