DWTS Recap: Halloween Night!
Tommy and Peta danced a quickstep. Peta was stressed because Tommy’s knee was stressed, which stressed out Tommy since Peta was getting stressed…it was a cycle. However, they pulled together into Tommy’s most fluid and most enjoyable dance yet. Bruno and Carrie Ann both saw some tempo issues, but loved it otherwise. They received straight SEHVENs, which is pissing me off, because I’m tired of them showering him with love, but giving him crap-tastic scores. Peta began to cry in the skybox after Tommy gushed about her. WE ARE ALL #PETAPOSSE MEMBERS!
Lea and Artem are having a rough go at it in rehearsals, because this week they were both crazy stressed AGAIN. Their tango was great, however, and had a live performance paired with it. Her flicks were lacking (Meryl will always win that game), but they were in sync constantly and it was gorgeous. After its greatness ended, Bruno fell backwards in his chair, to the most amazing Len reaction shot, that showed him utterly not impressed. Anyway, up in the sky box, Lea apologized for crying, to which Erin brilliantly said “Don’t worry, I cried all week.” Love ya, Erin! Two 8s, from Carrie Ann and Len, and two 9s.
Bethany and Derek had a bad rehearsal too. Bethany was really trying to keep up her energy and scores, and just from looking at the tape…she wasn’t showing it at the studio. Their paso, accompanied by some very fake drumming, was epic in nature, but not the best paso I’ve ever seen. Very solid, however. Carrie Ann said it was flawless, but Len wanted a dang Paso, not a dog and pony show. Three 10s and a 9, from Len.
Judges came back from a commercial wearing cat ears, to which Tom said “I’m dressed as Chris Harrison from ‘The Bachelor’.” How can you not give Tom an Emmy every year?!
Cheryl and Antonio danced a waltz, and both Cheryl and Antonio really thought they would get good scores, but alas, that’s a big ‘ole NO. Carrie Ann was uncomfortable watching the dance, while the other judges gave a resounding “eh”. Erin was into it, but unfortunately, that means nothing. Sorry, Erin. A 6 from Carrie Ann (YIKES) and SEHVENs from the rest of the judges. They then went on to scare the living daylights out of Cheryl, and I felt so flipping bad.
Michael and Emma danced a jive. He stunk. Straight 5s from the judges.
Janel and Val danced a waltz themed to Pretty Little Liars, and Janel was enthralled with the thought of killing Val. She said she was just going to kill him in the dance, but I’m not entirely positive she didn’t want to kill him in real life too…ya know, just for fun. I loved it, it was a good mix of theme and dance, but Julianne didn’t see a waltz. Carrie Ann loved it, though. Bruno wanted more uninterrupted arm movements. Len called everyone plunkers when giving his critique, because HE CAN GOSH DARN IT! A SEHVEN from Len (how fitting) and 8s from the rest of the panel.
Alfonso and Witney danced a beautiful rumba, paired with a live performance of a song I don’t care enough about to remember what it was called. In rehearsal, he got hit in the groin, to which Witney said “What do ya need? A snack?” to which I was dying from laughter. It was the best rumba of the season, but it wasn’t the best rumba ever. Still, very fluid, which is always nice to see. Len wanted a proper rumba, and he got a proper rumba, which made him very happy. Straight 9s from the judges, and a announcement that his wife is pregnant! Guess his groin isn’t hurt too badly...HEY-OOOO!
Sadie and Mark danced a super unique and fun paso that had the best ever concept for a dance this season. As a viewer, I thought it was nicely done, and had the right mix of dance and fun. However, I was the ONLY one that thought that, as Len yelled at Mark, basically, for not having a proper paso doble, and when Julianne questioned his comments, Len became really angry, which made Mark really angry. It’s a process. Two SEHVENs, from Carrie Ann and Len, and two 8s from the others.
Now, on to the team dances! Team Itsy Bitsy (Michael, Bethany, Lea and Janel) had a nicely danced, but basic routine from Derek. Good, but boring. Straight 9s from the judges, and safety from Tom. Team Creepy (Sadie, Alfonso, Tommy and Antonio) had a very lively and unique, but not as cohesive freestyle routine, leaving them with straight 8s from the judges, and the announcement that Cheryl and Antonio have been voted off.
Thoughts on the week? Let me know them in the comments below or on the discussion boards!