Club Penguin’s 2014 “Solve the Mystery” Halloween Party is Unhinged
Club Penguin's 2014 "Solve the Mystery" Halloween Party that kicked off on October 23rd featuring Uncle Gariwald VII, Ghost Puffles and the spooktacular Haunted Hotel is easily Dcookie888’s favorite Club Penguin party so far (and mine too!)!! There is plenty of time to get in on the fun – this creeptastic party is raging until November 5th.
The Club Penguin Times is reporting that the Puffle Hotel now has 13 haunted floors that need to be cleared of the Ghost Puffles. Uncle Gariwald had been kind enough to go investigate the paranormal activity – but now he is missing. With the help of Skip the hotel’s newly hired bellhop, penguins are exploring the haunted hotel, solving puzzles and finding parts to assemble the Ghost Catcher.
Skip, the seemingly helpful bellhop will greet you as you enter the Puffle Hotel. He started working at the hotel when the hotel started to look haunted. Coincidence? I think NOT. Something about this fellow isn’t quite right.
As you try to explore the Puffle Hotel to see what is going on, Skip will direct you to waddle down to the basement so that you can fix the switches to repair that malfunctioning elevator. However, when you turn on the switches, GHOST PUFFLES appear and scare Skip. He starts to blame the Ghostly Puffles for haunting the hotel and even says they must have taken Uncle Gariwald. Whatever, now you can explore the hotel and complete the puzzles, earning cool swag. I like the Ghost Puffle Costume that members can collect, pictured below on Dcookie888.
On the 4th floor there is a fire that players have to figure out how to douse. In fact, more and more fires appear (candlebras, fireplace) throughout the room along with hovering Ghost Puffles. The way to extinguish the fires is to throw snowballs at them. Afterward, a wall lowers and a piece of the Ghost Catcher that must be assembled is available to collect.
Other puzzles and games await on every floor (except the 13th floor which is locked until October 31st).
The library is a maze. You have to waddle over to the red stage, which will trigger the door at the end of the room with a ghost on it to open. Then hurry up! Waddle to the door and collect another part of the Ghost Catcher.
The pool is on the 8th floor, filled with green goo. The pumpkins sort of explode when you click on them, eventually revealing another part of the Ghost Catcher.
There is a strange puzzle in the ballroom – you just go into the doors which take you back to the same room. After a little confusion, you are rewarded with another part.
The Dining room is pretty awesome though. The lights need to be adjusted so that the light hits the wall, illuminating the purple puffle eyes. J
The balcony has a creepy gargoyle who asks you to use emoticons to solve four riddles. The emoticons are on the wall of the room, so you will have this hint if you just aren’t in touch with your emoji feelings.
Members collect items along the way as they solve the riddles and puzzles. Once all of the puzzles are solved, penguins are directed to the 12th floor to assemble the confangled contraption that Uncle Gariwald has left for us to use to trap Ghost Puffles, which we do by using the circuit pad.
But WAIT! Just as we are about to save the day afer being congratulated by Skip, our not-so-friendly-anymore bellhop, we are transported to the dreaded 13th floor along with the Ghost Puffles. Skip lowers a cage onto us!
Penguins must use snowballs to short out the circuit board to get out of the cage.
Skip, our suddenly-not-so-helpful friend the bellhop, turns out to be an evil ghost! We have played into Skip’s diabolical plan to have us innocent penguins trap the Ghost Puffles so he can use their energy to haunt Club Penguin…Forever. Look at him, he is actually gloating! He is a creepy dude, not such a sweet little bellhop anymore, is he?
We try to free the Ghost Puffles (hey, it isn’t their fault!) but Bad Skip uses his energy to block us from approaching the cage. Penguins must distract him by throwing snowballs at the rubble that is falling from the ceiling above Skip.
Gariwald couldn’t have done it without me. I know, I know. I am too modest. I admit, it took two tries because I took too long to go to the Puffles the first time because I was confused and Skip remembered that I was there and went back to using his energy to block the Ghost Puffles. I did eventually free the little guys and also Gariwald, earning a Ghost Puffle or two as well as a bellhop hat in the process.
Yay!! Meet my first Ghost Puffle, GooeyLouie.
Dcookie888, my 10 year old son, had a blast exploring the Island.
The Cove is glowing and oozing and awesome swampy trees with spider webs added to the atmosphere.
No Haunted Halloween Island is complete without tombstones! We need zombie penguins!
There is a FABULOUS rendition of “Night of the Living Sled” to watch (yes, you really watch penguins being terrorized by this living sled) at the lighthouse.
Trick or Treat!!
The Town Square is the coolest it has ever been!!
DCookie888 has the coolest igloo EVER. He has an eerie castle decorated with a slime monster, jack-o-lanterns and puffle accessories.
Happy Halloween to everyone out there on Club Penguin Island and in Internet World from DCookie888 and myself!! Have a safe and happy Halloween!