DWTS Recap: Semi-Finals!
Sadie and Mark: PLUGGED- Their quickstep to “Problem” by Ariana Grande was plagued with confidence issues from Sadie after last week’s slip up, but she overcame that and delivered with a modern dance that had hints of hip-hop and Charleston in the routine. She had great flicks and looked gorgeous in hold. Carrie Ann agreed with her amazing hold and also enjoyed the dance as a whole. They may be my favorite couple, even if the judges don’t thoroughly enjoy every idea Mark comes up with. Oh, and Erin wanted a dang hug, gosh darn it! Three 9s and a 10 from Len. UNPLUGGED- Their tango was absolutely stunning, utilizing a guitar throughout. She was the most in sync I’ve ever seen, great flicks again, and tight. Len wanted the guitar to go away sooner in the dance, while Julianne loved the guitar. Prop Probs, amIright?! Three 9s again, while the 10 from Julianne this time around.
Tommy and Peta: PLUGGED- They had a jazz routine to “Tainted Love”. Hey, do you remember when they were supposed to go home every week!? Anyway, it was Tommy good, which is just an eh. The small portion he was in hold was great. Of course, the judges just comment on his stamina and Peta’s amazingness (which I agree on) on pretty much just pulling a “Weekend At Bernie’s” the whole season, if you catch my drift. Straight SEHVENs from the panel. UNPLUGGED- Their rumba took a huge turn, but an amazing one at that. A snowglobe themed dance (yeah, I know) was gorgeous, filled with emotion, and Tommy’s best work. He was in hold for a majority and he excels at slow dances, so he shined bright. Erin, Peta, Carrie Ann and Julianne were all crying. I’d say that’s a success. Two 9s from Carrie Ann and Julianne and two 8s.
Bethany and Derek: PLUGGED- They danced a samba to “I Want You Back” that was different. Not in a bad way, just different. After Derek complaining about not having ideas (to which I laughed a tad...I know I’m awful), they took a very upbeat route for the dance, that showcased Bethany’s sharpness and great timing. It ended with Derek and Sasha kissing. You’re welcome, America? Carrie Ann was underwhelmed and then turned into Bruno in a weird Freaky Friday moment, I’m assuming. Len said it was fluffy and sticky like Cotton Candy, which is the obvious analogy for a ballroom dance. I think. Straight 9s from the judges. UNPLUGGED- Hands down, the best contemporary routine on the show. They utilized a picture frame in a stunning and breathtaking way. The judges said their quickest and kindest comments all season. Straight 10s from the panel.
Janel and Val: PLUGGED- Maks shows up at rehearsal, making me miss Meryl more, as he helped out his brother choreograph a Paso to “Blame it on the Night”. It was strong and powerful and beautifully danced by both, but for some reason, it was so reminiscent of a Meryl and Maks dance in it’s movement and setting that I couldn’t get past that. The judges, however, did NOT agree, as they gushed and gushed and gushed. Carrie Ann was screaming and Len was satisfied. That is the best representation of the judges I’ve ever written. Straight 10s from the judges. UNPLUGGED- After Val botched a violin solo (Why? There is no answer.) their wonderful tango that was aided in that the acoustic version dropped the lyrics, which I think really helped the dance. It featured a lot of lifts, which Carrie Ann HATED. CUE THE MEME!
Wow, I haven’t used that in a while. She called it ungraceful. Len loved the mood, not necessarily the choreography. BREAKING: Julianne is a poet and she doesn’t know it. Two 9s from Carrie Ann and Len, and 10s from the other two.Alfonso and Witney: PLUGGED- The guy has back pain. A lot of back pain. Tons of back pain. Somehow, someway, he sucked it up and delivered an excellent tango to “Love Runs Out”. It wasn’t showy or featured crazy lifts, but you can’t deny fabulous footwork. It was superb. Oh, Erin cried again. I AGREE, GIRL! Straight 9s from the panel. UNPLUGGED-Their contemporary was another great routine from that genre in the ballroom. The amount he was doing and the complexity and fluidity of his movements with a back issue was incredible. Len loved its intensity and dramatic nature, while Julianne complimented Witney on her ability to adapt the choreography. I think if they win, I will be happier for Witney, she’s just the best. Three 10s and a 9 from Len, because he’s like that.
Tommy and Peta left us, which is bittersweet. Next week is the 2 night finale to a great season. Who is your bet to take home the Mirrorball Trophy?! Let me know in the comments!