Video Pick: Disney’s Millennium Halftime Show

First a Hat Tip to my good friend John Frost at The Disney Blog for his timely tweet reminding me about this.

With a voice from every country, A face from every land We'll celebrate the future, Hand in hand

Super Bowl XXXIV was one of the best Super Bowls in history as the Tennessee Titans came up inches short of a touchdown on the final play allowing the St. Louis Rams to win 23-16. But that's not what Disney fans remember about that January 30th night in the Georgia Dome. Instead it was the halftime show, titled "Tapestry of Nations" and presented by Disney, that stands out. In a show reminiscent of Olympic opening ceremonies, Disney seamlessly both celebrated the promise of a new millennium and promoted one of their most memorable 15-month events, the Millennium Celebration at Walt Disney World (with a little of 1999's Tarzan thrown in as well). Pop stars Christina Aguilera, Enrique Iglesias, Phil Collins and Toni Braxton did the signing and actor Edward James Olmos did the narrating.

This sunday's halftime will feature Katy Perry and other current stars singing their own hits, and I'm sure it'll be very good and well received. But I doubt it will hold a candle to the pageantry and spectacle of this show from 15 years ago.

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Doobie Moseley
Doobie is a co-owner of having founded the website with his wife Rebekah in 1999. He became a "hardcore" Disney fan in 1995. His favorite Disney film is Snow White and his all-time favorite attraction is the PeopleMover. Having lived near both Disneyland and Walt Disney World, he's visited them literally thousands of times. He currently lives in Nothern California with his wife and teenage son, but looks forward to living in Florida again soon. His absolutely favorite activity is going on a Disney cruise (he's done 12 as of February 2023).